can anyone till what this is ?? PLZ


Hi all this my fist grow, need some help with me de plant,well my leaves all seem to be going like a lemon green colour all over and bit dry iv move heat away abit, some of the leaves in middle have going like a very yellow white and bottom one have done the same and rolling up on the leaves and start to get brown spots on them now im in flowering right now, but it look OK, here a picture taking today and you see the bottom of the leaves and some in the middle,i just like to no before I feed her anything and get in more trouble with it,and im keep a very close eye on my pH run of seem to be about 7 just test the water form the last run off, and help plz

Heres some pictures of them


bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Do you have a pump up sprayer to spray them with fresh water? Have you used any ferts or any other additives?


Hi iv did have trouble with my PH to start with but iv got that sorted maybe im not give her a lot of nuts bit worry to over do it, im feeding foxfram nuts maybe pump more nuts in to her, she on her 6 week now do i u use (grow big) or should i use the tiger bloom now as she flowering ? so guys what do you think as she be ready for feed now and thanks for any info guys as im getting there slowy

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Hi iv did have trouble with my PH to start with but iv got that sorted maybe im not give her a lot of nuts bit worry to over do it, im feeding foxfram nuts maybe pump more nuts in to her, she on her 6 week now do i u use (grow big) or should i use the tiger bloom now as she flowering ? so guys what do you think as she be ready for feed now and thanks for any info guys as im getting there slowy
It does look like a ph problem.