Can Canadians with medical license buy there own seeds to grow

Canadian growers get own seeds

  • yes

    Votes: 11 91.7%
  • no

    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
We've had this discussion before. The legislation (full text posted here earlier) does not specifically say that you must/have to buy seeds from LP's. The form/application gives you an option to select LP starting materials or not.

That's about as grey as it gets which is a bonus because any decent lawyer could get you off based on either of the points above. Besides that, it was said earlier in the thread and many times in this Canadian section, how the f*k is anyone ever going to tell what your starting materials are and where they originated? Remember they have to ask your permission and give you reasonable time to arrange an inspection. You can make it as legal as you want and have no "starting materials" around... for the inspection... that they had to book with you... get the drift? lol

If anyone is still concerned about this subject. The last thing you want to do is telephone some idiot at HC and ask a question about anything to do with the program. They can tell you anything they want to and if you call a different person, they'll likely tell you something different again. If it's not written in law, it's not a law #$!@


Well-Known Member
That's all great and wonderful if you got tons of cash or support to go into court and dispute the ignorant cops that busted you in the first place.

WTF happens to us poor, penniless growers who just want to grow enough meds to keep our own health issues at bay?

I can barely keep decent food on my table much less pay some fancy lawyer to keep my ass out of jail.

It's great to bitch about what life should be but the reality is way different than any of our ideals.

I've been dealing with this crap for 50 years since I smoked my first joint at 12 and don't need armchair lawyers telling me how to deal with a corrupt legal system.

Go stick your arm out for amputation and then tell me how great that felt or fuck right off.


Well-Known Member
That's all great and wonderful if you got tons of cash or support to go into court and dispute the ignorant cops that busted you in the first place.

WTF happens to us poor, penniless growers who just want to grow enough meds to keep our own health issues at bay?

I can barely keep decent food on my table much less pay some fancy lawyer to keep my ass out of jail.

It's great to bitch about what life should be but the reality is way different than any of our ideals.

I've been dealing with this crap for 50 years since I smoked my first joint at 12 and don't need armchair lawyers telling me how to deal with a corrupt legal system.

Go stick your arm out for amputation and then tell me how great that felt or fuck right off.
You say this but, as an example, GreenSupreme (formerly of ICmag) had an inspection of his setup. He had a lot more plants than he was allowed, but had under what he was allowed in flower. The papers specifically say flower. Police wanted to kill them, he showed the papers and they fucked off agreeing. He also calmly explained propagation, why you take more clones than you need etc etc.

This stuff matters. Wording matters. And yeah, a bad cop can do what he wants to you. But it's still best to know your rights.

The legal case you might not be able to fight, but sometimes people are willing to help. This is what happened to more than one case that wound up being game changing - the community gets behind the person and helps out.


Well-Known Member
You say this but, as an example, GreenSupreme (formerly of ICmag) had an inspection of his setup. He had a lot more plants than he was allowed, but had under what he was allowed in flower. The papers specifically say flower. Police wanted to kill them, he showed the papers and they fucked off agreeing. He also calmly explained propagation, why you take more clones than you need etc etc.

This stuff matters. Wording matters. And yeah, a bad cop can do what he wants to you. But it's still best to know your rights.

The legal case you might not be able to fight, but sometimes people are willing to help. This is what happened to more than one case that wound up being game changing - the community gets behind the person and helps out.
So how does any of this relate to reality?

Not getting busted is the main thing and at 62 with over 50 years of fugging with pot and other drugs I've kept my ass out of the legal system and am happy with that.

Who cares about the minute details about a bust other than the guy that's busted and his high-priced lawyer. Not getting busted in the first place is my goal.



Well-Known Member
Not so much a proverb as it is an actual fact. But sure, ill wait for your NWO lizard people chemtrail theory to pan out. Matter of fact how about we shit in one hand and wsh in the other and see which fills first? Since the likelyhood of this zeitgeist documentary fever dream ever happening is about as likely