Can cops subpoena this sites member’s Ip Addresses’?


Well-Known Member
what are you smokin guy??? the real deal is just pay your electric bill, don't tell anyone, and be SMART!! You won't have to worry about "anything".



stays relevant.
If you don't feel safe, spare yourself the paranoia, spare us the drama, and dont post anything about your crop. There, you have nothing to worry about. :)


Active Member
If you don't feel safe, spare yourself the paranoia, spare us the drama, and dont post anything about your crop. There, you have nothing to worry about. :)

All i have to say to this is that if you think the majority of the people out there growing and those who post online are worth more than you are then the day they bring you in, it's probably the day when there's no one above you.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i would say it the growers that are not legal to grow and the ones that are legal to grow and are growing 100 plants or more and shouldn't be are the ones that probly shouldn't be the ones post pics on here... uuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm my fans just came on the house smells so fucking good. gota go medicate with the girls now..


Well-Known Member
Just be like me... and don't share everything you have going on. :)
Or we could use a little common sense and realize how many people visit this site on a daily basis and realize the governemtn cant even afford health care so how can they afford to can kick down EVERYONES door on this wed site.

Some people why overestimate the power of government they are not god those helicopters see heat not thought or fear.

And if your scared of prison I suggest you pick a different hobby considering the obvious penaltys for growing maybe its just not for you. Because sooner or later sorry to say it you will most likely be busted either it be ex-girl/snitch/cableguy/mailman/landlord/robbery/ect.

If you are not ready to fight in court for years and still go to jail then stop.

On the real though I would be willing to bet if anyone got raided on this site it wasnt this site that had anything to do with it. Greed prolly had more to do with it then this site.


Well-Known Member
Well I would say the other thing is if your really that worried about it you could mask your IP.......most internet providers use DHCP now which is a dynamic IP address so I would wonder if it is really a easy process to see who is.........I wouldn't worry about it.......and if you are worrying then i think you need to quit while your ahead!!!

I think this link will explain it to you more clearly

your song


Well-Known Member
big brother is watching "dee dee dee" careful unplug all electronic devices, oh and you better get a tap monitor, they might have your phones!!! Your so screwed!

Dee dee dee


Active Member
That'd be insanely surprising. First of all, if they do monitor sites whatsoever, they'd be going out of their way just to go after stoners. I mean, sure, most of us do grow and probably consume, but I'm guessing your police have better things to do than to go on the internet and check around for people growing a few plants.

Heck, they'd have to breach many INTERNATIONAL agreements to go after some people who post here, such as me, since I don't live in the States.
To sum it up:
1- Unconstitutional
2- Waste of their time for this pointless war on drugs
3- Waste of ressources
4- They can't differentiate people who just pose as growers and those who really are.
5- They can't go after people just because of posts on a site. If they did, and showed up at your door, you have the RIGHT to refuse being searched on such flawsy evidence, without a warrant. And any kind of incarceration would be just so... US-style. Like, having, to a certain point, a fixed trial and and a heavy sentence for such a light crime.


Well-Known Member
If any of were worried about the cops would we really be doing what we're doing? I really think there is a list of ways not to get busted. Like I said in a previous post......also guy look at the Cannabis grow bible great book. There is a whole chapter about how to not get caught and how to be cautious so things like that don't happen to you. It also says if your unable to do any of the things that it lists that you shouldn't even consider doing it. If you want a copy of this I can send you a pm and let you know where to get PDF for free

From the Grow Bible

If you do this then you will never have a problem other than
someone accidentally walking into your grow area. NEVER EVER
TELL ANYONE ANYTHING, EVER. If you can do this then you will
have more security than a castle equipped with guard-dogs henchmen
and the works. Loose lips cause 99.9% of all security related issues
being breached. 00.1% is caused because you did not take the time out
to conceal your area well enough. Loose lips sink ships.
If you plan to share your crop with your friends then do it by
another means, like - ‘Hey guys look what I just bought’. The only
people who should know that you grow are the people who live with
you. If your husband/wife has loose lips, then maybe you should
consider guerrilla growing outdoors (explained later.) Other than that,
these are the most important factors you need to consider. Never grow
at home if other people are not going to know about it. This is bad and
always causes problems in the end. So what does that say? Growing on
your own is the best way. Growing with other people is a problem
unless you know they are okay with it. You will have to figure some of
these things out for yourself.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
They are coming..
It seems like paranoia really gets some stoners blood pumping.

Think about prohibition; no the other one; I'm talking about alcohol prohibition!

The police didn't waste a lot of resources raiding speakeasys, so that they could arrest every average joe, and even the politicians who were still drinking, and today we have a former drug user in the white house.

There are bigger fish to fry, and the big fish aren't posting questions here. There are hundreds of thousands of acres which will be ready for harvest in a couple months, in all northern parts of the US, so they better be searching the national parks not the Internet.

Most of what is said here is hearsay anyhow, not the kind of evidence used to build a case. If you refuse to talk, you can't be forced to testify against yourself.

I'm unaware of anyone on RUI being popped, but if I'm the first I'll be sure have my lawyer announce it right here on RUI.