can dogs get stoned?


Well-Known Member
dogs get high.
i let my dog be in the room and let her decide if she wants to be high. i try not to blow it in her face or general direction but once in a blue moon she will smell it on purpose.
its kinda funny.

she was pregnant last year...i didnt want her pups to come out retarded so everytime i would spark up i would send her to her kennel in the other room.
after about 2 or 3 weeks of this it got to thepoint that all you had to do was make the sound of the lighter sparking up and she would get up and go to her kennel without me having to tell her.

i thought it was pretty bad ass.

but now that shes not preggo she can chill out here with the high folk.


LOL!!! Funny Thread. I'm on my second Lab that loves to get high! When we have a get together, he follows the pipe around and licks at the exhales! Then he just plays fetch until either he can't move, or everyones arm wears out, which ever first! Though, the fetch playing maybe more of a Lab thing, not a high thing! Just like us, it makes everything better! LOL!


Well-Known Member
ya its true you can blow it in their ears and they got bombed. but i dont do this either. i think its cruel.
i would let the dog decide if it likes it or not. lol


Well-Known Member
I have 3 pets,
2 Siberian huskies
1 cat,
all males,

whenever they see me with weed in my hand breaking it down on a paper plate they always give me this look like " Yes! Were smoking!"
then they both come near me, 1 of them sits by my feet, and another one right next to me in the couch, I guess he has a higher tolerance,

It's pretty kool seeing ur pets stoned, right after we smoke I give them each a scoop of icecream and I just munch out,

that's life :bigjoint: