can electricity harm plants?

This is weird but I have electrical cords from my fans and lights running down the back wall of my tent and every plant I placed next to them turns yellow and looks malnourished. The rest of them are fine. All plants get the same everything, water, soil, etc.

So I was wondering if the electricity or magnetic flux signals from the cords have a damaging effect on plants? It's happened everytime during my last three grows, and only to the plant that's next to the cords.

Anyone ever experience this before?
well one possible reason for slow growth is low air circulation or less light to that spot which sounds like in the corner of your tent
well one possible reason for slow growth is low air circulation or less light to that spot which sounds like in the corner of your tent
Neither, it actually gets the best light and is situated by one of the intake vents. It also grows just fine, no reduction in yeild, size, etc. It just turns yellow on all leaves, buds will stay green though, weird.