Can helicopters fly over and see a 400 hps running?


Well-Known Member
Quick question:
Im using "Photoshop CS3" where on the menu do I have to click to edit or erase the "EMIX DATA"?

Please reply this info is very important.
Yeah... that was an eye opener for me too! I didn't even finish reading the thread before trying to find that feature. I'm running Photoshop CS 8.0 and don't know if this would be the way 3.0 does it... But, the way I got to it was... 'File' button, and most of the way down in that menu was 'File Info...'. Mine also has hot hey shortcuts set up for it... 'Alt+Ctrl+I'.

This might give you a better idea what your place will look at if someone is using FLIR They've got some sample photos there. Not sure how complete or advanced those photos are... But, it wasn't what I thought it would be... It's not the Hollywood shit for sure!

Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
what do you mean ur a generation ahead of cypress hill... you were born after cypress or before.... there kinda popular in the smoking circle


New Member
I was already grown and had my music taste chosen before they became anyone. They are more of the music my adult children listen to. That would make me a generation ahead of them.