Can I add a 120v circuit to a MLC4x?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to add a 120v plug to the CAP MLC4x to make it like a Powerbox Plug+Play 7500W Light Control 4 240V 2 120V Outlets. I will only be running a few low power things off the 120v but it will still help lighten the load on the other 120v circuits. I also only run 3 1k lights off this controller so there is power to spare.

Can I tap into one hot leg of the 10/3 wire going to the controler and neutral to a seperate plug box mounted next to the mlc4 with 12/2 wire or do I need a 120v circuit breaker between the controler and 120v plug? The powerbox doesn't list a 120 circuit breaker.

Just trying to make it safe and I really don't want to spend $300 on the powerbox so any help would be appreciated..

Thanks in advance...


Well-Known Member
Can I tap into one hot leg of the 10/3 wire going to the controler and neutral to a seperate plug box mounted next to the mlc4 with 12/2 wire or do I need a 120v circuit breaker between the controler and 120v plug? ...
will it work? yes
is it to code? no -any fires start & your wiring gets blamed(& it will), you could be liable & insurance may not pay
is it safe? only if you use a fuse or breaker. maybe hardwire a powerstrip w/ a built in circiut breaker?


Well-Known Member
I kind of figured that. I'm going to put a 30 amp sub panel in so it'll safe. I priced it out today and it'll cost about $50. which is pretty cheap insurance....
Thanks for the reply..