can I azzo and neem at 7am??


you know that really depends on your light cycle... (a little indoor grower humor). I wouldn'tdo it at 7am; I would do it around 7PM. You don't want things drying on your leaves too fast and forming salts or films. You do in the evening, and it has all night to absorb and evaporate the sprays.


Why do you say first thing J.O.C? I am curious to the reasoning, am i doing something wrong treating right before lights out (sundown for our friend here)?


Well-Known Member
I like to treat in the morning. It gives the plant time to dry off. Especially during the flowering period, to avoid possible mold.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
couple hours before lights go on is when i neem or spray any thing. green led head light. turn off all fans, spray desired spray, turn fans back on, then your done.