Can I change flower to veg??

I only started flowering 6 days ago but found males in my garden, so I took them out an now I want to clone the females I have left to substitute the males I had to get rid I know that it takes about 14 to 23 days for the cut clone to develop a strong enough root system to start vegging so my question is....can I revert back to 18/6 after doing 12/12 for 6 days, then after 20-25 days of 18/6 when my clones develop a root system, can I switch it back to 12/12?
And if it makes it better to understand my situation, I have 5 females that have been growing for over 2 months now, and I'll be taking clones from them and putting the clones in the same tent with the mother plants


Active Member
I think as long as you wait till plants are truly back to FULL veg from flower, your ok to go back to flower without too much worry.


Well-Known Member
of course you can, inside you get to play Mother nature, however depending on the strain, sometimes they HATE to do that, meaning sometimes the plants will stop growing (having started to flower) and then you have to wait a bit (8-20 days) to wait for it to start veging again, not to mention if you want it to flower right you'll need to wait even longer, until it's growing normal leaves again (5-13 fingers) when they flower the plant reverses the leaf growth, meaning it goes slowly down to just one-leafed buds, if you switch back and forth it cause funky regenerative growth, and that takes time to get it back to where you want it (ready for multiple bud sites).
Assuming you started from seed, i'd advise you to next time, to not switch to 12/12 to sex them, you don't have to, in usually 4-6 weeks after germinating they'll indicate pre-flowers, that way you don't have to go back and forth. The process may not be as bad as that, depending on how far it's actually flowering, if you see just pistils at the junctures of the stems then you are probably ok, but if it's starting to "crown" meaning the top growth at the end of each cola is putting up hairs, then it's going to be a bit before it'll regenerate, and a while before you can switch back to flowering after the veging period.
Make sense?
--another note, I've had some strains that just HATE regenerating, even under 18 hours of light my grapegod did NOT want to regenerate, had to toss it. And that was after it started flowering because I went from constant light to a 6 hr night. evidentally just the 6 hr night was enough to trigger it, and it didn't wanna go back at ALL.


Well-Known Member
In short, yes you can. As grease monkey stated, it can be strain dependent. If you're up for it, wait another few weeks so you can get some monster cropped cuttings. :peace:

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Six days in shouldn't present a problem. If the girls are still green without heavy pre flower, no problem.

I know with seedlings going staight into 12/12 I can get viable snips for mothers just before the males show using a 1kw hps..


Well-Known Member
In short, yes you can. As grease monkey stated, it can be strain dependent. If you're up for it, wait another few weeks so you can get some monster cropped cuttings. :peace:
Haha, yeah, in SHORT, i'm definetly not known for short answers. But in my defense, i'm an automotive diagnostician, so i'm used to DETAILS. I like to address it ALL.
Probably annoying to some, but I don't claim to be for everybody.


Well-Known Member
Six days in shouldn't present a problem. If the girls are still green without heavy pre flower, no problem.

I know with seedlings going staight into 12/12 I can get viable snips for mothers just before the males show using a 1kw hps..
I agree, six days isn't usually an issue, but it all depends on the strain, hopefully for you, it'll just keep growing vegetatively


Well-Known Member
Race is right imo. You can clone a flowering plant with ease. Especially if only 6 days under 12/12. You may find it to have many more tops than a typical clone. Some look super cropped


Well-Known Member
maybe you guys are luckier than I am, but I have shitty luck cloning flowered plants. Besides I think he said he wanted them to be bigger?
And that'd be a tiny ass plant


Well-Known Member
Some strains do clone easier than others. By all means reveg! Just keep in mind you will be adding a few weeks to the grow


Well-Known Member
Haha, yeah, in SHORT, i'm definetly not known for short answers. But in my defense, i'm an automotive diagnostician, so i'm used to DETAILS. I like to address it ALL.
Probably annoying to some, but I don't claim to be for everybody.
For the patient man, a short answer is a waste of time, so agreed. No offense intended. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
why not just take clones from them flowering, root the clones, then throw them in the flowering room with the flowering mothers? seems a shit ton easier imvho..
Race is right imo. You can clone a flowering plant with ease. Especially if only 6 days under 12/12. You may find it to have many more tops than a typical clone. Some look super cropped
It's called monster cropping. I just said that.:bigjoint: Credit where it's due? :peace:


Well-Known Member
hahahahaha! No where does it say monster cropping...lmao! Really didn't read your

But yea, you can and should!
Its called monster cropping as stated in "Marijuana Botany," by Robert Connell Clarke. Super cropping is entirely different though often confused with monster cropping in these forums. Best wishes. :peace:
why not just take clones from them flowering, root the clones, then throw them in the flowering room with the flowering mothers? seems a shit ton easier imvho..

Because I feel that when I take the clones, by the time they're rooted, my mother plants will be almost finished and the small clones would be a month off


bud bootlegger
Because I feel that when I take the clones, by the time they're rooted, my mother plants will be almost finished and the small clones would be a month off
i still fail to see a problem with this, lots of people do this, it's called running perpetual, and if set up right, you could harvest a plant every week, every two weeks, every how ever often as you'd like.. meaning, you'd have a constant supply of fresh bud..