can i cut all leaves except buds...


Well-Known Member
Well good luck to your with your bare vertical 24w CFL. You are clearly the most experienced grower I have ever met.
I guess I was kinda being a sartastic dick but it is frustrating when people with no experience give really bad advice.

Ill explain.

Dudes avatar was a puffy vagina, and if you click on his grow link, it shows a lanky plant with a 24w cfl. People in their late 20's or higher dont have vag pics and have the resources to spend more than $20 on their growroom. So this guy is 18-21 most likely. How much experience could a person that age, with that set up possibly have?

I am sure that among his friend he is the most experienced but on here he is a grasshopper. There are several people like myself that have decades of experience. My advice to him is to spend more time asking questions and less time answering them.

It's hard to take advise from a guy that has a vertical 24w cfl and says to hack your plant up starting from the top.

It's like he just got a job teaching a masterbation class and the first words out of his mouth are "good morning class, I hope everyone remembered to bring their sandpaper"


Well-Known Member
I agree 110% cloudflyer. It's like the blind leading the blind on here sometimes. +rep for you buddy!


New Member
Well good luck to your with your bare vertical 24w CFL. You are clearly the most experienced grower I have ever met.
That's a 23w CFL. ;-) Why are you always misquoting me? Since you can't even read my posts before you reply, I'm putting you on ignore. :lol: .... first time I've ever had to do that to someone, but you've earned it.

I'll bet all of the people that are saying not to do it have never done so, therefore they have no understanding of the effectiveness of such a technique. Also, I'm not even saying to do it.... I'm saying I do it, it works for me, so it can work for you.



Well-Known Member
i call this big leafing . just pull the biggest shade leaves everyday. its science even normal houseplants need pruning to look better or to produce more flowers. i pull big leafs everyday after they start to flower.youll notice that the smaller leaves will almost double in size everyday replacing the big ones that you pulled yesterday. just dont pull all of them . you only want to thin out the foliage. and yes it does focus more energy on the buds. watchout for all these negative people trying to misguide you simply because they dont know!


Well-Known Member
I must say that this is kinda interesting. A lot of theories, which I think are based on personal experiences. Some say do it, and some say don't.

If you have more then one plant, try taking them off on one and compare the differences for yourself.

Fan leaves are a big part of photosynthesis and sugar production. I would believe that some are necessary for those processes.

If you do decide to all or some off, make sure that you don't cut them right at the stem. Cut them 1/2" to 1" away from the stem. Reason being is when you cut the stem of the leaf, you'll be leaving it susceptible to disease. Cutting it close to the main stem increases the chances of that happening. Also increases the chance of air getting into the main stem. Oh yes, remember to cut it on an angle as if you were cutting a clone.

Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
That's a 23w CFL. ;-) Why are you always misquoting me? Since you can't even read my posts before you reply, I'm putting you on ignore. :lol: .... first time I've ever had to do that to someone, but you've earned it.

I'll bet all of the people that are saying not to do it have never done so, therefore they have no understanding of the effectiveness of such a technique. Also, I'm not even saying to do it.... I'm saying I do it, it works for me, so it can work for you.
Sorry I was off by 1w. So I decided to break out the old indoor growers bible on this one. Written by George Van Patten of Home and Garden TV You might know him by his stage name in the MJ industry as George Cervantes. This should preatty much clear up any doubts. Ohh wait I am on ignore, what ever shall I do? I guess you get to keep hacking up your plants :o
Pictures attached



Well-Known Member
Here's my $.02. Although it's not as "healthy" for a plant to cut off all the leaves, if done at the right time it can benefit at the cost of a little yield.

For instance, when you remove the leaves, you are definetly causing a significant amount of stress. This added stress can increase THC production but it will slow overall growth.

In the past, I used to start taking off leaves everyday or so starting at the bottom and working my way to the top by the beginning of week 8. I lost a little yield but the high was incredible. I did this experiment on NL and some of my best clients said it was better than the KUSH.

Its basicly a formula that you have to experiment with to decide what's best for your style. I don't do it anymore because my garden is too big but if I were growing 16 plants or so for personal use then I definately wood.

A little light for all my peop's in the dark. Peace!:hump:


New Member
Here's my $.02. Although it's not as "healthy" for a plant to cut off all the leaves, if done at the right time it can benefit at the cost of a little yield

Potency is genetic.

:lol: Getting more light to lower nugs is not going to reduce yield.


Well-Known Member
I stick with Jorge Cervantes on this one. I only remove fan leaves when they a more than 50% dead or damaged. I've found that pinching and moving the fan leaves out of the way is a good solution to the problem. I just pinch the leaf steam then sorta tuck it under the shoots beneath it. This way, your lower branches and shoots get more light, and you don't have to worry about slowing growth or causing other problems by removing leaves. Plus, the more leaves you keep on the plant, the more hash and brownies you can make once the harvest is complete.


New Member
.... Plus, the more leaves you keep on the plant, the more hash and brownies you can make once the harvest is complete.
:o Damn it.... does anyone pay attention? :cuss:

If you wanna get light to lower branches, wait until the stretch has stopped then pull the fan leaves (anything that doesn't have trichomes). Just make sure to keep em green and you will be good to go. ;-)
I don't need you to do things my way, but I do need you to pay attention if we are to have a serious discussion. :!:


Well-Known Member
When I first strted growing i though it was best to remove my leaves thought i would get more light penetration. Well I possibly got more penetration but it slowed the growth of my plant for sure. I know this to be fact cause I was a hot head that had to do things my way but I did like to experiment. So same strain same soil same nutes 3 tests. One cutting 90% leaves one cutting bottm third leaves and tucking top fans third one left alone. The one I left alone it finished the fastest great smoke lots of resin Second one(tucked top) three days later bottom buds were more developed didnt seem to have as much resin. The one I cut definately the least resin but did have a tad bit better bottom buds. To each their own on it IMO if you use your plant material dont cut nothin Remember it is a weed that grows natural


Well-Known Member
Peak potency is potential!

What's this supposed to mean?? Are you talking about the potential of the strain??

I have seen NL turn out better than Master Kush just because of it coming from two different growers. Obviously, each individual strain has its own potential but reaching the peak of any individual strain is technique.

I'm simply saying, experiment and see what happens. Here's what I did: Start with the big ones at the bottom by the end of week 4 (assuming its an 8 week strain) Every 5 days or so, take out 4 or 5 from every plant until harvest.

You never know what will happen. In a year or so everybody could be doing it this way just because somebody who says there an expert say to do it. How'd this expert become an expert?:?: BY EXPERIMENTING! There's a big difference in genotype and phenotype. 1 you can't change and the other is all up to you.


Well-Known Member
What's this supposed to mean?? Are you talking about the potential of the strain??

I have seen NL turn out better than Master Kush just because of it coming from two different growers. Obviously, each individual strain has its own potential but reaching the peak of any individual strain is technique.

I'm simply saying, experiment and see what happens. Here's what I did: Start with the big ones at the bottom by the end of week 4 (assuming its an 8 week strain) Every 5 days or so, take out 4 or 5 from every plant until harvest.

You never know what will happen. In a year or so everybody could be doing it this way just because somebody who says there an expert say to do it. How'd this expert become an expert?:?: BY EXPERIMENTING! There's a big difference in genotype and phenotype. 1 you can't change and the other is all up to you.
Experimenting is good but there is no sense in reinventing the wheel. There are so many things that are proven time and time again. Would you change your PH to 12 just to see what happens? When one of the worlds foremost experts says that it is bad gardening and it is absolutely wrong, do you really not believe them over some dude with a $20 grow room. If so what is the point of being on here in the first place if you are going to challenge the most elementary aspect of how plants grow?


Well-Known Member
Experimenting is good but there is no sense in reinventing the wheel. There are so many things that are proven time and time again. Would you change your PH to 12 just to see what happens? When one of the worlds foremost experts says that it is bad gardening and it is absolutely wrong, do you really not believe them over some dude with a $20 grow room. If so what is the point of being on here in the first place if you are going to challenge the most elementary aspect of how plants grow?

I wouldn't consider trimming leaves as extreme as running a ph of 12. We all know the basics for plant survival. Light, air, ph, temp, humidity, water, grow medium, etc. But after these; its up to the grower, i.e. phenotype! I actually found a system that worked for me as far as quality but not as far as yield.
:fire:Also youngin! I do consider myself one of those experts as far as underground goes. Not everybody could make movies and not go to the slammer but after that, I could hang with the best of em. And a $20 grow room ain't never been thought about. My cheapest was probably $15,000 and I'm in a $30,000 and counting venture as we speak. I've done it from stabilizing my own strain to experimenting with every type of grow medium out there, and I'm still at it. I could give you some news sights out there where you could look me up but I'm still fighting the case.

I come here to learn different techniques that I havn't thought about or new idea's, products, etc. Its like a line to the world for me. Every now and then I throw in my .02 on interesting topics. My opinion is never LAW and as a matter of fact, when it comes to technique, NOBODIES IS! Do what works for you and become great at something. Everybody isn't a soldier, some, but very few, are LEADERS!:weed:


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't consider trimming leaves as extreme as running a ph of 12. We all know the basics for plant survival. Light, air, ph, temp, humidity, water, grow medium, etc. But after these; its up to the grower, i.e. phenotype! I actually found a system that worked for me as far as quality but not as far as yield.
:fire:Also youngin! I do consider myself one of those experts as far as underground goes. Not everybody could make movies and not go to the slammer but after that, I could hang with the best of em. And a $20 grow room ain't never been thought about. My cheapest was probably $15,000 and I'm in a $30,000 and counting venture as we speak. I've done it from stabilizing my own strain to experimenting with every type of grow medium out there, and I'm still at it. I could give you some news sights out there where you could look me up but I'm still fighting the case.

I come here to learn different techniques that I havn't thought about or new idea's, products, etc. Its like a line to the world for me. Every now and then I throw in my .02 on interesting topics. My opinion is never LAW and as a matter of fact, when it comes to technique, NOBODIES IS! Do what works for you and become great at something. Everybody isn't a soldier, some, but very few, are LEADERS!:weed:
The $20 grow room was not yours. It was falx. I was talking to you, about him. I consider myself an expert too. I have been growing for 12 + years now. I do experement a lot but on the basics I go with tried, true, and proven.