can i do 4 Automatic AK47 under the 250 watt hps


Active Member
Automatic AK47 i have a homebox 2x2x4 tent with 250 watt hps air cooled. can i do 4 AK47 under the 250 hps ? or shoud i get 400 watt Digital Ballast and cool tube setup ? will the tent be ok with a 400 watt light setup?:confused:


Well-Known Member
stick with the 250 for that space, 400w systems throw off some heat but with a cool tube shouldnt be a proble... so its up to you! they would do fine under the 250 but more light is usualy better in any case.

i got the 400w first and now kinda wish i got a 250 instead, just because i dont have ventelation or cooling or anything. but hey if you have the expences for it go for the 400 man, that cool tube will keep temps nice and low.


Well-Known Member
I can once again, vouch for the heat produced by 400w hps lighting. I'm actually upgrading to an air-cooled(or coolable i shoud say) 400, digi/remote ballast. My current setup just isn't cuttin it for me. It's a basic 400, with the magnetic ballast built into the hood:sad: and has been a chore to keep cool.


Active Member
fuck it i just upgraded to 2 1000w switchable ballast. the more light output the better!!!! THEY WILL THANK YOU FOR IT IN THE END....


Well-Known Member
lol... were im from its go big, go to jail... switchable light systems are great, you could just get the hps setup and then a convertion mh bulb for it, i think 400 is the lowest they have the convertion bulbs for.


Well-Known Member
lol yea thats what i was sayin not down for the million dollar grow op but i get wat crazyhaze was sayin u want to get the best lights wether it be a little gro or big one but as to the question u could but not to its full potential


Active Member
the yield from 1 Auto AK47 with a 250 watt verse 400 watt is this worth the money to get a 400 watt Digital Ballast and cool tube setup 229.99 shipped or stay with the 250 watt allinone air cooled setup. will i get more bang for the buck yes /no


Well-Known Member
depending on if u can get a 1000 watt in the same general price range because if ur gonna spend 230$ on a 400 watt u might as well look at the 1000 watters


Well-Known Member
depending on if u can get a 1000 watt in the same general price range because if ur gonna spend 230$ on a 400 watt u might as well look at the 1000 watters

you want him to put a 1000 watt in a 2x2 area? are you nuts?
that thing would be on fire.

i agree with everyone else. yes the 250 will work. yes the 400 will be better. it really depends on you. if you have the extra cash laying around then go for it. if youre on a budget and already have the 250 just use the 250. thats a no brainer. if you use the 250 for a season and it just isnt doing it for you then you can always upgrade later. if you dont have probably get the 400 but know youre going to have to use some major temp control in such a small area.


Well-Known Member
Have you checked the dimensions of the cooltube fixture? Is the cooltube with ducting on it to vent the air going to be able to fit in there? By the way. I grow LR2's in a homebox s (which is 31.5 X 31.5 X 63), with a 250 watt hps and that works well for me. I cool it with a 6 inch inline duct fan, and that works fine for that. You may already know this, but I'll say it just in case. A 250 watt covers 3X3, and a 400 watt covers 4X4. With the 250 watter covering 9 square feet and you only having 4, I think it's plenty of light for that. Plus since you're growing smaller plants, you don't really need a more powerful light to penetrate a deeper canopy. Now if you are going to go bigger later, you'll outgrow (figuratively and physically speaking) this setup very fast. But, if you're ok with this setup and this strain or any of the other LR strains then I think this setup is perfect.


Well-Known Member
I agree with chunky. Idk who was sayin put a 1000watter in there, but deefinately DON'T DO THAT. Save the 1000watter for down the road when, as chunky said, u may or may not outgrow ur current setup urself.


Well-Known Member
i was just thinking the same thing

stick with your 250 guy you shoud be fine with the autos they dont get that big anywhy


Well-Known Member
yea i was high and forgot his grow area but if ur gonna spend more than 200$ u should have a little bigger room

:lol: Hey man, props on at least admitting it ya know? A lot of folks around seem to be on this 'Im right and UR wrong' thing lately. I mean shit, we're all in this for pretty much the same thing right? WEED? Not just some schwag or some beasters either! Myself I take pride in smoking my own shit and going 'Damn, this is bomb...'


Well-Known Member
Hey fellas, Im in the process of putting together a grow in my basement. Is there much info or threads out there on the auto's? They interest me but I'm afraid if I invest in them, I won't have much support on my first grow.


Well-Known Member
Hey fellas, Im in the process of putting together a grow in my basement. Is there much info or threads out there on the auto's? They interest me but I'm afraid if I invest in them, I won't have much support on my first grow.
there are TONS of info on autos. plenty of grow journals as well as threads with general information out there.
good search terms:
auto flower

those should come up with tons of stuff


Well-Known Member
Hey MUY, welcome to riu! Sounds like ur in the same boat as me, cepti left the dock sooner,LOL.... But ya, I was interested in the auto's too, so I was like fork it, and got me some lr2ak47 auto-fems. They are pretty fun to grow, especially since I've been LST'ing them and there's just buds all over now! Anyhoo, u should get plenty of help here when u need it, just remember, the FAQ's full of good stuff that'll save u a lot of time dinkin around ya know? Well, good luck, to u, and everyone else!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
the real thing is do you plan on moving out of that area any time down the line? if so just wait till then to invest more. if you already have a 25o just use that man. makes the most sence for your setup...


Active Member
the yield from 1 Auto AK47 with a 250 = how much on average 25g dry yes/no ? and can I do 4 under the 250 in a 2x2x4 ?