Can I Dry Outside?

So pretty much what the title says. I've been growing outdoors in the NE U.S. for about 4 years now, I have a great site and I usually get some great plants. I plant outside then do drying/curing indoors. This year, however, it is just not possible to dry inside. I literally have no space to do it properly. So I was wondering, if I hang the buds up in this shed that I have, will they dry enough so that I can cure them? My only problem is that it tends to get somewhat cold and rainy here and part of the shed is always open. I could fix this by putting some plastic up though...But anyway, what is your advice on this? Have you ever dryed outdoors? If so, I'm sure it takes a much longer time. What is the time frame for that? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
If you have a shed, too cool. Weatherize it, no direct rain on it. Yea sure your herb will not only dry it could cure like tobacco, hang it high and dry.


Well-Known Member
get a fan. if you have no electricity but do nearby bury the extension cord its simple to put it under an inch. the fan will be a monstrous help. when they are dry you can cure inside. i used to when i was a kid living at home. get lots of mason jars open them daily twice for a bit. even if you grow lots and need to hide (wife, parents, kids) you can certainly get away with this.


Well-Known Member
yeah man check out this harvest I dried outside under a homemade tarp (made out of taping 2 large plastic trash bags together haha.)

Then I hung it up under a tree, put the budz under and after over a week and a half (humid hawaii weather) they were nice n dry.

EDIT: If your in NE then its getting pretty cold up there. I am sure in the daytimes they will be fine,ts around what, 35-40 during the day there? Then it probably gets below freezing at night.

It will dry slower than usual, but a lot of people say that the slower they dry, the better. I have a feeling my buds were so potent after a nice long cure because mine were drying outdoors for almost 2 weeks.

I have never tried to dry in such cold weather. The night temps that go below freezing are what worry me. Especially when they are wet, I wonder how that would affect potency? I dunno. They would certainly freeze overnight then thaw in the daytime. Try to get a shed or something and dry them in there. Otherwise I would just get a good area with good ventilation, if its windy outdoors and the overall humidity is low then I would go for it, use the tarp method. make sure theres airflow going through the tarp. They should dry even if they freeze at night.

try it out.

