Can I flower while fighting a Gnat Problem?


Well-Known Member
I'll throw in my 2c as I've been fighting these buggers for my past two grows. I'm fairly certain they come from the soil. After my last grow, where the gnats were relentless, I cleaned out my grow space and waited over a month to start the next batch of plants. No gnats were seen anywhere around the house or in the grow area. I started some new plants 3 weeks ago, and now they're back! I'm using MG organic soil, and it's probably pre-loaded with gnat eggs. First, don't trash your plants! Flower as usual, and try to keep them under control with sticky traps and pesticide spray. The worst that'll happen is that you'll get a few bugs stuck to your buds. I've also heard that diatomaceous earth works. It has particles with jagged edges, which puncture soft-bodied insects. For my next grow I'm going to get sterilized soil, so hopefully these devils will not appear.:twisted:
Did you try beer? Drink a bottle of beer and leave a little in the bottom of it. Gnats LOVE alcohol, but it also kills them. The fly into the bottle, drink some beer, and then they can't get out before the alcohol kills them.
I used to have a BAD gnat problem in the house until I did this with a 6-pack. It doesn't treat the root of the problem, but it helps to alleviate the little bastards flying around everywhere.


Well-Known Member
Sticky flypaper, Beneficial insects (lady bugs, praying mantis) and that beer bottle thing sound pretty good. I have never had a sufficient gnat problem.
I know they are a bitch to get rid of, tho. Sorry, i am rambling.


Well-Known Member
they are a bitch, i put the plants into flower tonight, I have sticky strips up and vinegar out....I will try the beer trick but the problem is the ones that are flying are pretty contained it's the little buggers like in pic i attached they are so tiny they are like small "hair" like looking worms I fingure are the gnat larve...



Well-Known Member
they are a bitch, i put the plants into flower tonight, I have sticky strips up and vinegar out....I will try the beer trick but the problem is the ones that are flying are pretty contained it's the little buggers like in pic i attached they are so tiny they are like small "hair" like looking worms I fingure are the gnat larve...

for got pic...



Well-Known Member
Dude, I feel you i'm just getting over a gnat issue myself, my place is CLEAN always is and i was like fuck where are these little bastards comming from...

Long story short they were living in the bathroom sink drain overflow. closed the drain, poored bleach down the overflow with a funnel and taped that bitch shit. today is 3 days later and i only killed one today.

Victory... Check your sink drain....



Well-Known Member
Dude, I feel you i'm just getting over a gnat issue myself, my place is CLEAN always is and i was like fuck where are these little bastards comming from...

Long story short they were living in the bathroom sink drain overflow. closed the drain, poored bleach down the overflow with a funnel and taped that bitch shit. today is 3 days later and i only killed one today.

Victory... Check your sink drain....

Sounds good I'll have to try that bleach is a easy fix lol ! Thanks man


Fighting gnats as well. I got sticky traps the yellow ones and within 2 days I have caught about 40 or 50 of them already. Also I have treated with h2O2 once a week for the last 2 weeks on all my vegging plants, and one treatment on flowering plants That kills them in the soil and delivers a nice shot of oxigen to the root zone. Only food grade h2O2 at 1% strenth. Results: rarely see gnats flying around now. Plants have perked up and seem to be healthier looking in appearance. Note treating with h2O2 can also kill benifical things as well. In my case I treated with h2O2 the watering before feeding. I use soiless mix and only feed every third or forth watering. (once a week approx)