Can i get Accurate info for this Plant Deficiency ??? PLEASE!!!!!!

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the setup is 1 400 w hps lamp and growing in greenlite soil and the temp of room is 75 degrees at all times the humidity is 40% running three fans for complete aeration. And no bugs and keeping the soil always nice and dry. Only watering when needed so any tips you can give me with no attitude would be great !! Thanks you guys have a good christmas !!!

token tony

check the ph of your water . 90% of problem's come from ph issues. are you giving them tap water, well or using filtered?


lack of Potassium from the pics. Try to get some n/p/k nutrient then add to water then test the ph. ph should be between 6.5 to 6.8 for soil.
the N-P-K ratio is 2-4-4 that is the bloom ive been feeding them i actually gave them a feeding of 4-3-3 N-P-K Ratio about 4 days ago hoping the raised level of phosphate and potassium would help correct the problem. Since the cal/mag treatment seemed to do absolutely nothing. and when i ph,d the soil i got a pH of 7.5 !! yikes so what i did was use distilled water and then used ph down to bring down the soil ph . So im hoping that works... and i have always been feeding with distilled water and i have always checked the ph before feeding them as well and making sure they were always 6.5 going into the soil. and i am in about the 7th week of growing. these are autoflowers as well. And im using General Hydroponics Go Box and hopefully that answers all questions so thanks again guys !!!
Okay def next time ill make sure to get more phosphate and potassium into the feeding probs be about 2 days till i can feed them again without overwatering.


Active Member
the N-P-K ratio is 2-4-4 that is the bloom ive been feeding them i actually gave them a feeding of 4-3-3 N-P-K Ratio about 4 days ago hoping the raised level of phosphate and potassium would help correct the problem. Since the cal/mag treatment seemed to do absolutely nothing. and when i ph,d the soil i got a pH of 7.5 !! yikes so what i did was use distilled water and then used ph down to bring down the soil ph . So im hoping that works... and i have always been feeding with distilled water and i have always checked the ph before feeding them as well and making sure they were always 6.5 going into the soil. and i am in about the 7th week of growing. these are autoflowers as well. And im using General Hydroponics Go Box and hopefully that answers all questions so thanks again guys !!!
and you're growing in greenlite soil

Presumably this soil is for adult plants and has nutrient content, yes? Also, you haven't said how old they are, what pot size, what plant size...

I'll presume your soil is good quality and they're in a 10 litre (2 gal) or larger pot - when you water them, the soil releases good stuff for your plants to eat - on top of that, currently you've also chucked the equivalent of a 6-7-7 feed on it and cal mag and - surprise surprise - it's made no difference. That'll be because there is no deficiency, there is an over abundance of phosphates - that's why the leaves are burned. Imagine you eat a good healthy diet and then supplement it with vitamins to the max - what's going to happen? Most of those vits go down the toilet because you don't need them, but if you keep going you'll get an adverse reaction - too much calcium, too much magnesium, too much iron etc., and you'll start showing some symptoms - and too much of anything is bad, by definition. Stop feeding it to death.
Okay its called roots organic greenlite soil. And the plant size is about 3 .5 feet tall... The pot size is 5 gallon smart pots.... And they are now on day 51 of growing. And they are autos.. Sorry jackmac but there is the info i forgot now hopefully that helps you guys give me some accurate help
!! Thank you
I honestly didnt think i was feeding them to death i know the yellowing and the burnt tips indicate to much nutes.... But then the brown dots all over the leaves and the red stems with the brown dotted leaves indicate and according to the info i have found a phosphorus or nute deficiency.


Active Member
I honestly didnt think i was feeding them to death i know the yellowing and the burnt tips indicate to much nutes.... But then the brown dots all over the leaves and the red stems with the brown dotted leaves indicate and according to the info i have found a phosphorus or nute deficiency.
5 gallon pot? Full with 5 gallons of fruity organic soil? Plus all that crap you've been chucking at it? Your pots are double the size they need to be - there is no way that a plant - and an auto at that - is going to fill that pot, never. That's issue no1. You're wasting money and space there. If you really think there's a phosphorus deficiency, then how could there be after all the stuff you've chucked at it? Anyway, all I see is leaves - what about a pic of the whole plant? But I think I already explained the problem....
Ill get a pic of the whole plant up in 5 mins. going to take it now. and yeah i harvested one plant same strain that i was growing and the root had made it all the way down to the bottom of the 5 gallon pot not all the way to the sides but that just meant they had the abundance of room to grow.. right ?? and you think what 2 gallon pots are better ?? well as far as the nutes and deficiency goes im hoping of all the stuff i (chucked) at it fix and reverse my problems. so like i said pics of whole plant to come in 5 minutes.
51 days from seed and it says finished in 49 days on breeders pack... so not reliable there i think its probs going to be a 80 day auto. and the super critical autos and the light is actually only 16 inches away. i just finished one plant and cut it and that was around day 80. not a huge yield it looks like maybe 40 grams and thats pushin it. but i did have probs and they are autos so i guess chalk it up to first grow experience haha thanks again for the help


Active Member
51 days from seed and it says finished in 49 days on breeders pack... so not reliable there i think its probs going to be a 80 day auto. and the super critical autos and the light is actually only 16 inches away. i just finished one plant and cut it and that was around day 80. not a huge yield it looks like maybe 40 grams and thats pushin it. but i did have probs and they are autos so i guess chalk it up to first grow experience haha thanks again for the help
If they were mine I'd get in there and prune them. Look at pics 4 and 5 and see all that useless side shoot growth and internodal shoots that are going to produce a popcorn, if you're lucky....take them off, look at keeping main branches with a decent flower head with leaves - you'll re-direct energy to where you want it more. Lower the light as close as you dare, if it's too hot for your hand, it's too hot for your plant - leave space for growing too. Let them get totally dry - that is: start wilting from no water - then give them a good drink - repeat watering like this till harvest. If they were mine....
Wow, a weed plant that actually looks like a weed. lol. Not too bad, a little stretchy looking. I agree the light needs to come down. My 400hps can be around 10-12 inches away but every room is different. If your tap water is ok where you are, I would consider every once in while feeding it some tap that has sat out for a couple of days. Don't over feed, and make for sure your pH is in order. Make small adjustments to your feed and see how she reacts. I agree that we tend to overthink our weed plants sometimes, and pH should be the very first thing to get right before any extra nutes are thrown at it. I'm going through this now and I'm pretty sure pH was my biggest issue. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Just finished growing Dinafem White Widow Autos and Paradise Vertigo autos. No more autos. Too finicky with even reduced mix feedings. I've been informed by others that autos do not like nutes at all and I can believe that from my experience.