Can I Get Caught Growing on a Closed Balcony by a Police Helicopter?


Hi ,

im new here and this is my first post, so im sorry if I posted in the wrong section.

I´d like to know if police can spot my grow (lets say 3 lowryders) on a (closed) balcony on the 3rd floor. There are no houses around so no one can actually see my grow but it could be seen from the sky. I know they use helicopters to spot outdoor grow, but can they spot 3 plants on a balcony?

i think u should be fine , i would just space them out like and ol' lady lives there. u kno don't bunch them up so it looks like something from the air, also why outdoor, kinda sucks, indoor much easier and quality of the weed is better


New Member
i think u should be fine , i would just space them out like and ol' lady lives there. u kno don't bunch them up so it looks like something from the air, also why outdoor, kinda sucks, indoor much easier and quality of the weed is better
Because we can all grow indo bud. Jesus im sick of seeing that. This is the fucking outdoor section for peeps sake!!


The police are not really searching for a few plants nor would they waste their resources to raid your apt. Weeddy. Your all good as long as the neighbors don't start complaining. Happy growing :)


Dude don't even trip, its NOTHING to worry about. The only way the police would find out is if you invited them over to look at your plants.


Active Member
I'd be more worried about nosy neighbors because depending on how much ur going to grow it's guna smell. But I think your fine.


Active Member
Dude don't even trip, its NOTHING to worry about. The only way the police would find out is if you invited them over to look at your plants.
Growing an illegal drug is always something to worry about it. There's always a chance of law inforcement seeing your grow. Although small, it's still illegal. Not trying to alarm, but that^^ mindset is why people get caught. Always be on the lookout and be carefull.


Growing an illegal drug is always something to worry about it. There's always a chance of law inforcement seeing your grow. Although small, it's still illegal. Not trying to alarm, but that^^ mindset is why people get caught. Always be on the lookout and be carefull.
I understand that it's illegal, don't get me wrong, Im just saying that in the conditions he is growing he shouldn't have to worry much about being caught. There was also a bit of sarcasm in the that post as well.


Well-Known Member
wait what in the hell is grow cloth?
a very thin spun polyester fabric, organic growers use it to keep pests off without using pesticides, also has a slight greenhouse effect.
A good garden center would probably have it in stock, Remay (sp ?) is a one brand of it.


Thanks for the replies. There is a chance but nothing to be (too) worried about, just as i thought/hoped. Grow cloth sounds interesting but..doesn´t that reduce the amount of sunlight they receive?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies. There is a chance but nothing to be (too) worried about, just as i thought/hoped. Grow cloth sounds interesting but..doesn´t that reduce the amount of sunlight they receive?
about 10 % less, in the summer that's negligible. Cheap piece of mind IMHO.
I've thought of dying it camoflage green for bush grows, that would cut the light back a lot more.