can i give nutes yet ? pics


Active Member
Agreed, I always start at 1/4.. and they look ready. What are you growing in?

Cotlyedonledons??????? Yeah that one have to look up whenever I spell it


Well-Known Member
I agree with four20mike. I see a bit of yellowing on the first set of true leaves. This is what I look for.


Well-Known Member
yeah ok ill start 1/4 strenth , im growing them just in seedling soil"fking awesome" and perlite , sprayed alittle root stimulater on them last week but thats it


Well-Known Member
they look like they are fine. most good soil has nutes in it as is usually good for 3 weeks or more.. I would consider transplanting them(the bigger ones) to bigger pots and after the have been in there for a week or two( because you should use new/fresh soil) then giving them nutes and yah always start small with nutes


Well-Known Member
this is gonna sound stupid im use to hydro , how do u guys feed your plants ? do i just put the nutes in some water and pour it straight in ? or do i spray on the leaves ? is there anything i should know when or b feeding ?

Happy Leaf

Well-Known Member
mix whatever amount of nutes in your water, and just water the soil near them stem as much as you need. There are certain types of fertilizers that are made for you to spray on foliage, but I'm assuming you have some normal fertilizer.

I like to water my plant's soil with normal water after I give it nutes, makes my plant happy :mrgreen:


Active Member
what so u pour in the nutes , then water them , wouldnt that like drain the nutes out abit ?
Bro I premix my amount in a gallon jug w/ the water and then mex and test the ph level. If the level is off, adjust it until desired (I use baking soda and vinegar). Once it's perfect, I water the plant and then test the ph of the runoff. This way you can get a good idea that your soil is ph balanced as well!

I've never watered my plant with just water right after watering it with nutes. This to me would defeat the sole purpose of the nutes and most likely wash the majority out of your soil. Now if you find your ph is off in the soil then you might considering flushing your soil with just water to try and get the ph balanced.

Hope that helps! :eyesmoke: