Can I grow in my apartment?

can you grow in an apartment? yes. Should you grow in an apartment? probably not. If you read your lease most likely there are clauses in it that would allow the landlord to evict you if they were to find out even if you are 100% compliant to all laws. THe other bad thing about an apartment is that maintenence can enter any time which could also get you evicted. goodluck
can you grow in an apartment? yes. Should you grow in an apartment? probably not. If you read your lease most likely there are clauses in it that would allow the landlord to evict you if they were to find out even if you are 100% compliant to all laws. THe other bad thing about an apartment is that maintenence can enter any time which could also get you evicted. goodluck

Lmao...Im quite sure he made his decision already.It was about a month ago...
Lmao...Im quite sure he made his decision already.It was about a month ago...

lol really,i like how the threads are die'n off to the stupid questions that been answered 1000000 times before! but yea as far as growing in apt.....guess it all depends on the person
can you grow in an apartment? yes. Should you grow in an apartment? probably not. If you read your lease most likely there are clauses in it that would allow the landlord to evict you if they were to find out even if you are 100% compliant to all laws. THe other bad thing about an apartment is that maintenence can enter any time which could also get you evicted. goodluck

For starters Maintenance and your Landlord can't go through your things without your permission. If your stupid enough to have your grow in the water heater closet or have vents running through walls to your bathroom venting then you deserve to get caught.

Now then, that being said. If My landlord or any maintenance person decided to walk into my bedroom, cut the lock off my walk-in closet and proceed to look around/call the cops on my grow.

1. Nobody has the right to come into your apartment without notice unless it's an emergency (fire, water main break) (renters have rights, look up your states laws)
2. My attorney would prosecute the landlord/maintenance worker for invading my privacy unlawfully
3. If the police were called and let into the premises after landlords unlawfully entered and browsed around your home it would be VERY hard for the grow charges to stick (unless your growing a massive amount commercially in which case I hope you have a good attorney.)
4. People bash apartment growing out of paranoia, know YOUR rights as a tenant and do not give anyone cause to think your doing anything wrong.

If your still afraid of someone walking in on your shit without you knowing then get an attorney on retainer or don't grow at all. Some people are just too paranoid. Me, I'm the adventurous type and don't play well with others. People don't come to my home unless they have my permission (not even friends) Nobody knows about me, my neighbors see me as the average white dude who gets up and goes to work everyday and keeps a quiet household. I don't bring ANY attention to my home. If you think your going to get away with being a party pad and hustle out of your apartment then I'll see you in 1-5 years or 5-10 years if your growing alot and have distribution paraphenalia (Bags, scales, weapons).

Peace and good luck folks =)