Can I grow marijuana outside in Louisiana?


I was just wondering.....

I have an idea to go to this isolated field of wild non-marijuana plants, germinate some reggie seeds, and mix Miracle Grow with the regular soil and plant them. The idea is to leave the seeds to their own wild growth.

Will they mature into harvest-able marijuana plants before the end of Summer? Also, how long would they take if it would even work?

Would it work humble

Louisiana weather is hot and humid. Long days and moderate warm nights.:confused:


Well-Known Member
yes you can it will be harvestable in spring and fall you might have to go out and water it but thats about it


Active Member
It's possible to do. It depends on a lot of things though: Strain, soil, and how hurricane season is. Next question is can you do it. I'm sure master gardeners could do a decent job. YOu will most definatly have a higher mortality rate than growing inside or in a garden, so plan for that. Biggest problem I see down there is finding an area that doesn't hold alot of water after a hard rain (there's a really high water table down in the bayou's). Recently we've been getting tons of it for 2-3 days at a time. Also Be very careful of mold later.
I know this is history but if anyone is wondering. I've grown outside in Louisiana for several years, best to get a mold resistant strain but you can do it with bag seed. I used Puts they were over 5 gallon, fuck miracle grow but if you must then add some perlite for better drainage. I pop the seeds in late February early march, the locals say to start during Mardi Gras. Most plants I've grown ended up over six feet tall and needed support when it got course to harvest. Harvest for me was always late October early November. Like the previous reply said, find some high ground even if there in pots, rabbits can destroy the whole crop in one night. I put mine in a fenced in yard within a fenced in dog yard so the does would keep the rabbits away and a fence around the plants to keep the dogs away. It rains so much you don't have to water except to feed or if it to go without raining for several days. Good luck. Don't get caught.
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The biggest issue for me was animals and towards the end of the year one decent storm can destroy your plants. I've went and checked on mine and found then lasting completely on there side or with the heavier branches ripped from the stalk. Yea I used to live in st slammany, now I'm in Greeley, co. Mindset is completely different here.
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Yes, as stated on my first reply, I know this is history. I'll sure they're are people with the same question and soon it will be time to start there.
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Well-Known Member
its not even called a county in louisiana.....its called a parish, so either you are 12 or you're a cop?
A cop? Go fuck yourself. Where did I say anything about Parrish or county...i said st slammany. I lived in Louisiana 16 years and my only interactions with police were quick rides to jail then st Tammany bond conditioning and crooked fucking district attorney. If your coming me a cop, one your fucking dumb because I didn't say Parrish our county, two you don't know shit about me except the few comments I made here and you can me a cop. Your just a fucking troll, get a life.


Well-Known Member
A cop? Go fuck yourself. Where did I say anything about Parrish or county...i said st slammany. I lived in Louisiana 16 years and my only interactions with police were quick rides to jail then st Tammany bond conditioning and crooked fucking district attorney. If your coming me a cop, one your fucking dumb because I didn't say Parrish our county, two you don't know shit about me except the few comments I made here and you can me a cop. Your just a fucking troll, get a life.
jesus fukin christ settle down, I read it wrong. Im not a fucking troll nor a moron. My apologies. Now maybe you need to settle the fuck down, smoke some of what you're growing......


Well-Known Member
dude I spent the 1st 30 yrs of my life btwn LA & TX so I do have some experience there and Ive been on here for a tad little bit, not that any of that means anything. I said I was sorry, my mistake, chill out.

theres an inherent problem in the world, obviously, when we are offended so easily on words typed through the internet. thats why I choose to live where I live. peace!


New Member
FromNOtoCOonthegrow Thanks for posting! I just did a search, came across this post and the first bit of helpful information I've seen was your post. Sucks you don't live in Louisiana anymore but hell I'd move to Co if I could!! Vnsmkr are you still around the La/tx area? I've been curious about growing weed for years but have never gone through with it. I have a location picked across the road from me that no one every goes to. But I'm not even sure how to start. I have some seeds, should I try to grow them in pots first then transplant them or do you think I'd be able to plant them outside? I have a lot to learn and I'd appreciate any help.