can i grow northern light auto flower with 2700k cfl light only???


Active Member
hey everyone ,im contemplating on growing northern light autos with several cfls.
my closet space is like 21/2 feet by 3ft hate to screw myself out of several ounces by not using hps but do to availabilty cfls seem like a better option.would they grow alright considering they are auto flower..??thanks

Po boy

Well-Known Member
do the best you can with them. it will be worth the effort. have grown several Nirvana NL autos and the smoke is awesome. excellent yield also. love it! GL

Po boy

Well-Known Member
cool sounds like a winner>>>>>>>>>from my understanding very little i correct on this???
after flowering begins, somewhere about 3 weeks after germ, begin fertilizing with half strength (i use Jacks 20-20-20). after that i usually go 4 or 5 days before
going full strength. right now i have to water every day because it is so hot and sunny here, so that keeps the soil fairly well flushed. you'll have to figure out your fertilizing schedule as all applications are different. in my experience, the norther lights autos are hungry plants. keep them green. GL