Can I Harvest Now?


Active Member
Today is my 41st day into flowering. The smell has gotten so bad it now stinks the entire house up. I may have to harvest early. Judging by the pictures would you say that it would be ok to harvest early if necessary?



Well-Known Member
lol your alloud to harvest any time ... i would wait longer , but you dont have any side pics, trich pics, or hair pics even really neeeeeeeed more pics and infooooooo


Well-Known Member
Looks nice! You can cut any time you need to BUT you will lose a lot of weight because at 41 days shes not even started to fatten up yet. Why not try room air fresheners around the house? Seems a shame to cut so early.


Active Member
Looks nice! You can cut any time you need to BUT you will lose a lot of weight because at 41 days shes not even started to fatten up yet. Why not try room air fresheners around the house? Seems a shame to cut so early.
Ive tried most air fresheners and none seem to work that well. Heres a couple more pics



Well-Known Member
yeah man its really going to fatten up here soon buddy , if you could hang on for 2 weeks your guna see somenice nuggets ... and you should get a 40x microscope for qeiwing the trichs .... when ther cloudy its a hed high amber is couch lock.... so you can determine when you reallly wanna harvest .. lol no one likes airy buds :P


Active Member
yeah man its really going to fatten up here soon buddy , if you could hang on for 2 weeks your guna see somenice nuggets ... and you should get a 40x microscope for qeiwing the trichs .... when ther cloudy its a hed high amber is couch lock.... so you can determine when you reallly wanna harvest .. lol no one likes airy buds :P
Appreciate it. Good lookin


Well-Known Member
keep them goin!!! remember after you dry them there only goin to be about 30% that size, let them fatten up for at least two more weeks!!!


Well-Known Member
They are still pretty white bro... You really should fight the smell, use some of those air fresheners you plug into an electrical outlet. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Yeah I agree, fight the smell. You won't be happy with the end results if you cut it down now.

Top 44

Well-Known Member
Dude, check out some of the odor control threads. If you can't set up a carbon filter maybe an ionizer would help


Well-Known Member
That is an awesome looking plant. What strain is it? You have put up with the smell this long a few more weeks will do wounders for her.


Well-Known Member
You don't want to harvest now.. very little potency or yield right now.. pretty much a waste.

If you've got a little dough, you can get an all-in-one carbon filter / fan setup for around $100.00. Check out the Odor Control thread under either Indoor or Grow Room Forums for links.

Here's another trick that worked for me; depends on whether air flows into or out of your room as part of the normal home heating / AC system. If the air flows OUT, what you can do is get a roll of 36" black plastic sheeting (any Lowe's or Home Depot). Cut a sheet that will stretch from the top of the door moulding down to an inch or two beyond the bottom of the door. The 36" width should cover most normal doors on both sides by a couple inches. Hang the sheet from the top moulding with some small nails. When the heat or AC kicks in, it will positive-pressure your room and suck that plastic tight against the door -- you can hear it if it's working right. This little trick totally solved my odor problems, and cost me about 29 cents and two minutes.

And, some strains smell more than others.. so if yours is especially pungent, this may not work as well for you (but may be a stopgap until you can get a carbon filter).


Active Member
Dont cut her just yet...a bucket with pine sol and water in or some where close to your room should do the trick for the you need a fan blowing on or over the bucket to move the pine smell around.hope this helps...healthy plant man


Well-Known Member
hey in the future if you have the funds you can get this. I had the same issue as you with house guests commenting on the thick stench of dank everywhere. Don't put it in your actual growroom because ozone can damage plants but if you put it outside the growroom it will kill any odor escaping. It is VERY powerful.

The cheapest and most effective thing that I've seen (I'm not saying it works well, I'm saying it's cheap and available, I use carbon filters) is to take a 5 gallon bucket, fill it about 1/3 full of pinesol. Place a fan on top of the bucket facing downward. Drill small holes around the bucket about 1/2 way down the bucket.

Turn the fan on and it will "clean" the air. ONA works better and I like to mix it with something like SoilMoist (found at nurseries) to slow the release of the ONA.

If nothing else works, buy a carbon filter. The cost of the carbon filter will be less than the difference in yeild you will achieve by waiting another 3-4 WEEKS!

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
LOL I've built that exact thing you're talking about. It works great for two or three plants but my garden outgrew its capability. The ozone gen will work for approx 10-15 plants.
