can i has a help pl0x? bonsai / re veg / re flower help! <3


Active Member
so , i have this little micro grow going on . im sure some of yall have seen it already in my how to grow short seedlings for dummies post , but im wanting to try somthing new here!

im wanting to " bonsai " this out! and i dont mean like with a big rocks and exposed roots , im talking about just keeping 1 of the 2 seedlings i have alive in this pot and just pruning its branches back so that it forms to the shape of the box somewhat and wont ever outgrow it , allowing me to flower the plant over and over , and re veg it as i want.

as appose to throwing down new seedlings every harvest live ive bin doing when i grow in this micro box.

now i know that its not the most healthy thing for the plant. but im still wanting to try this and the main thing im looking for here are other people that have made micro bonsai plants that they keep alive in a small area , i know that i cant be the first :wall: the only bonsai i see are big ass mothers which are not even bonsai they are just cut back alot. but i know some people must have tried to keep a plant under 8 inches and grow it long term.

so throw all the knowledge yall have at a real nigga! :clap: im really excited about doing this bonsai shit and i may start a log thread after i talk about doing it with a few more people and gain the knowledge i need!

PS : can i keep it alive after its root bound? some people say you must prune roots , but someone else said if its a bonsai that it wont DIE it will just stay smaller and need more water if i let it stay root bound/


Well-Known Member
Defoliation and supper cropping wide shallow grow pots like a raised bed for instance for a true bonsai you will have to gently peel the main stalk aswell to get the wood trunk

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