*Can i mix up my nutes in bottles?


Well-Known Member

I'm going away shortly and wanted to mix up my nutrient solutions and PH it down correctly put them into 5lt platstic bottles so a friend can water my plants when i'm away in (hydro) system

That way i know the mix is good as the person watering would only get it wrong if i left it to them.

My simple question is once i've mix up my solution including the PH down etc can i then put the lid on the bottles?

Or should l leave the lid off the bottle so air can get to it?

Is it not dangerous to put the lid on so it's air tight it will not be a problem would it?


Active Member
hope someone answers because i was wondering the same thing i am using soil but i sometimes have to work when my lights are on and i would like to get my water ready so my wife could water without me here but didnt know if the ph would stay the same or for how long as my home water is about 8.7 i would like to mix a couple of gallons up but didnt know if the chemical properties would stay the same or for how long.


Well-Known Member
add me to the list of those wondering...
if it were me.... i would cap it...

I'm thinking cap it to keep the nutes fresh?

I'm only asking just incase for some silly reason maybe with the PH down as part of the mix it could be bad if it's kept with nutes in an air tight bottle?

I can't see it being a problem but just wanted someone else to confirm it will be fine.