Can I Nap After Wisdom Teeth Are Removed?


Well-Known Member
You won't want to be sucking anything in through your mouth. You can pop the stitches in the first few days unless you are very carfeul.. I know the doc warned you not to smoke, it wasn't a health concern, it was because of the empty sockets in your gums.

If you were here I'd dose you up some Green Dragon tea.... :(


Active Member
I had my lower wisdom tooth removed a few months ago I was awake while they extracted it and I had to smoke when I got out and a joint when I got home everything was ok but I still have numbness on the left side of my tongue and lower jaw 2 months later, the opening is nearly closed now


Active Member
I used to do magic flight launch shots through the nose. The air flow is perfect so I could take massive rips. It does make my nose stuffy but id get obliterated.


Well-Known Member
As long as you bypass the open wounds you can medicate.

I would have tried edibles but chewing food only made it get stuck in the holes that were left, I ate soup for like a week


Active Member
Damn, I didn't even think of that.... If you press your toungue up against roof of mouth, you can take hits through your nose like SW said... great answer!!!!

just be careful you don't pop those..
I don't understand the tongue up against the roof of your mouth reference. As long as you're inhaling the vape and or joint through your nose isn't that enough? what does the tongue to the roof of the mouth do?