can I plant germinated seeds in...


.... can I plant germinated seeds in regular outside dirt and expect a decent yield per plant? I would rather not carry bags of soil through the woods lol

(a decent yield is over 1 ounce to me, and the seeds are 1 white widow and 26 bag seeds lol)

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
depends on the soil. With a little extra effort, you could increase your chances of success drastically.


Active Member
agreed pipe, depends on the soil. a little bit of prep work and additions to the soil go a long way. also over 1oz should be no problem at all if you take care of your girls. is the one WW seed you have fem? also watch closely at the bag seed to make sure you dont have males or hermies sneaking into your garden plot


the white widow is fem

the soil is a dark brown and kinda moist... there are tons of green plants around it I'm actually planting in the middle of thorn bushes lol


Well-Known Member
I'd definatly recommend getting a small bag of soil, throwing it into a backpack and use it, Also a little time release fert if you dont plan on feeding it will work wonders, Fox Farm Marine Cuisine (sp) is awesome, Im doing a side by side with that and FF Trio (BB, GB, TB) with CCS right now and the marine Cuisine is killing it


Well-Known Member
Do yourself a favor and get 1 bag of Roots Organics for the fem widow. Bags are pretty cheap and camo printed so they don't stick out. Bag seeds,, If you planted all 26, Hypothetically speaking half are males so now down to 13, Depending on Geo location, 1/4 of those will die to improper care(ferts) or animals(fence/chicken wire) or natural cause(storms, acid/base soils). So now lets say 9 is what you end up with.. at least half of those will be champs and kick out 5-8oz's pending strain, maybe you snagged a couple sativa seeds and grow a couple 10ft monsters that yeild 8-12oz's... Shitty thing to say bro but, growing is like a relationship, the more you put in the more your going to get out of it. 1 oz per plant, that should be no problem though...But in know way am I saying lug 26 bags of soil to where ever your growing for bag seeds!! GOOD LUCK!!