Can I Pluck A Bud Early?

The title says it all, my girl probably has a few weeks left but I want to smoke now. So be a pal and tell me if I can snip a bud off early?


Well-Known Member
yes, do it. pick a bud on a bottom branch, so it doesn't screw up your main colas. if you want to quick dry it, trim off the sugar leaves and leave it in a paper bag for a couple of days, and you'll be able to smoke it. it'll probably taste like shit, but it'll get you high :)


Well-Known Member
No! I am sorry, if you do that, we'll be forced to report you to the Bud Police! :mrgreen: Of course it's okay to pinch a bud early...we all do it :eyesmoke: Course it won't taste as good as it will after curing :weed: But it should still "knock yer dik in the dirt" so to speak bongsmilie

Good luck with your harvest and let us know how the "appetizer" smoked...LOL

R2T :peace:


I literally do it every time. I would say to wait until you are like 2 weeks away from harvest. Its a good way to see how your babies are coming along and a good indication of what you will get when you are all finished. Let us know how it goes!


Well-Known Member
you still will have to dry it for like 4-5 days before you can smoke it, unless you do one of those retarded quick dry methods. i would just wait the anticipation of that great smoke makes it even better when you finally pack a bowl.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
personally, I would not pick an early bud as it's not ready so why bother...but if you do, take the 3 to 4 days to dry it slowly....and please no microwaving, that is just plain nasty evil

IMHO.....after about 2 weeks in jars is when I would consider sampling my first little taster bud


Well-Known Member
personally, I would not pick an early bud as it's not ready so why bother...but if you do, take the 3 to 4 days to dry it slowly....and please no microwaving, that is just plain nasty evil

IMHO.....after about 2 weeks in jars is when I would consider sampling my first little taster bud
Plucking more than a week early on top of quick drying is just terrible and doesnt get me high


Well-Known Member
don't do it once you start its hard to stop especially if u have nothing else to smoke, before you know it the whole plant is gone


Well-Known Member
You'll hate yourself in the morning!!! But sure why not lol. Its yours you grew it do with it what you may!! Let us know k 😛.