Can I put two 12 volt fans on a 24 volt transformer?


I have spliced the two 12 volt fans into the transformer in series, but one of the fans isnt blowing at optimum speed. What am I doing wrong?


Well-Known Member
Do they have different speeds? Maybe its not quite enough but I did the same thing and it seemed to work perfect..


Do they have different speeds? Maybe its not quite enough but I did the same thing and it seemed to work perfect..

I really dont know. I jacked them out of two old PC's. It looks like one takes .12 amps or something and the other one uses .15 amps. Does that matter?

I dont know much about electricity.


I have switched the fans around and it seems like the fan farthest from the transformer will run very slow. I mean its spinning, but not putting off alot of air.