Can I "Re-Green" my plant

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
ummmmm.......yes u can...its called re-veg just switch ur lights 24 hrs on......its A LOT of stress and next time u flower it may turn hermie and seed anyways.... and the qt about the "virgin buds" iv never personaly tried this experiment but ud better scrub ur grow area or whatever pollen that was in there is prolly still around...


Well-Known Member
To reveg a plant leave some of the buds on the bottom of the plant and give it 24-7 light till it grows new shoots that can be cloned. If you have a hermie plant just kill it and get a better clone. Like said above spray room down with water to kill all residual pollen


Thank u, my grow room is clean plant given to me with buds producing lots of seeds i have a
mini male in a seprate growbox to fertaliz somer branches on clones I have. but what causes it to be hermit and if hermit William it fert my clones and should i remove the small buds from the top