Can i repair a broken branch?


Well-Known Member
i have a nice established plant budding outside right now, probly another month and a half before its done. the one day it got really windy and snaped one of my big branches, all ive done is wrapped a tight elastic around it to the main stem and hopeing it repairs itself, im beginning to worry about it as this was a couple days ago and theres 2 or 3 big leaves that are dead yet the branch looks fine in full. should i just cutt off the branch and try to root it like a clone? this i can imagine would be pretty hard to do but is it possible? or not very likely..

thanx in advance


Active Member
i have a nice established plant budding outside right now, probly another month and a half before its done. the one day it got really windy and snaped one of my big branches, all ive done is wrapped a tight elastic around it to the main stem and hopeing it repairs itself, im beginning to worry about it as this was a couple days ago and theres 2 or 3 big leaves that are dead yet the branch looks fine in full. should i just cutt off the branch and try to root it like a clone? this i can imagine would be pretty hard to do but is it possible? or not very likely..

thanx in advance
yea if its still attached to the main stem it will be good. one of my cfls fell on mine and it snapped it but i taped it up with clear tape and it healed it self and the branch is growing like the others...


Well-Known Member
There's a good chance it will heal itself if it is well supported now and back in place. You may lose some foliage as it tries to repair itself. Medical gauze bandages are supposed to work well, you can wrap them up tight and it still lets the wound breathe. If the whole branch goes dead, just cut it off.

Cutting the whole branch off and trying to root it as a clone would be a waste of time at this point in the season here in Ontario.
Hi,Use medical tape,or even insulation(electrical)tape and bind tightly round the break,
then support the broken branch with a stake or tie it up,this should do the trick,If you do decide to try and clone it,use a decent rooting hormome,plenty of wilt spray and i'd put it on 24hr cycle for 2wks,then drop to 18 until roots are well established,hope this helps


Active Member
There's a good chance it will heal itself if it is well supported now and back in place. You may lose some foliage as it tries to repair itself. Medical gauze bandages are supposed to work well, you can wrap them up tight and it still lets the wound breathe. If the whole branch goes dead, just cut it off.

Cutting the whole branch off and trying to root it as a clone would be a waste of time at this point in the season here in Ontario.
Am gonna change out my tape to something else next time it happens to me.. i didnt know where it gets injured it needs to breathe..


Well-Known Member
thanx freddie ya just wanted to see what a few ppl would say, i was told to just tape it up from my grow store and it should be fine. i added u by the way, i live in the same province haha, gota love canada.


Active Member
As long as you caught it in time before the injured branch developed an embolism (air bubble in the uptake) and you repaired it with strong tape or wire to hold it firmly together, it should heal just fine.


Well-Known Member
thanx ya i just left it with the tight elastic, seems to b doing fine.. mayb i'll wrap some extra tape around it and put some support sticks in too tomoro, bin raining here, need to take some clones too.


Well-Known Member
I just had one snap on my girl!! Taped using duct tape. God this is a nice branch too. Also in ontario and an outside plant.


Well-Known Member
I just broke a branch 2 says ago. I used black tape and supported it with a loose tie above break. It is recovering slowly. Just my 2 cents I'm a newbie too.