can i replant these? (pics)


Well-Known Member
By all means, it's transplant time. I suggest you no more than double the size of your new container. Weed likes to be a bit crowded. It looks like those are outdoors. I'd wait and transplant this evening . . . it'd give the plants overnight to settle in. watch out for the first direct sunlight after tp'ing. If plants act up (wilt, go limp) put em' the shade for a bit.


Well-Known Member
roots may be tangled together, it is a bad idea to put three plants in the same pot. i dont know how you would go about this


Well-Known Member
Unless they fall apart, I'd probably just leave them all as a unit. You could try and separate them, but this could be quite intrusive at this point, especially if you're not real experienced w/plants.


Active Member
thank you very much and yes im very new so i will make sure not to do this again in the future. But if i do replant them, should i just try not to untangle them and keep them together just in a bigger pot, so the roots can spread out a bit more?


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
You are going to lose roots when you transplant always. They break and tear. I would try to carefully separate them. Leave as much roots on each plants as you can. Be gentle with them too. Or you can just get a huge pot and put them all in together to avoid damage. :mrgreen::peace:


Active Member
let them grow you can try and transplant them as a unit but i mean they look good and healthy give them a chance see whats good with them


Well-Known Member
i had a similar problem with root tangle and transplanting. im sure i stunted growth for like at least 5 days ripping them apart. ;/


Well-Known Member
We had to stick 12 plants once into a single rubbermaid tub, and move em.

Long story short 10 days later roots had completley rooted with each other.

We just cut straight down a little square of soil for each plant.

They all lived just fine, didnt even show signs of stress, and none hermied.

MJ is so resilent its not funny.


Active Member
thanks guys i replants into a bigger pot, they r looking a little wilty but im sure they will sprout back up. thanks again


Active Member
hope one of them isn't male otherwise you're going to have a bunch of SEEDS!

(more experienced: how would you rid the male in this situation?)


Active Member
man im not sure, but could i just cut the guy at the stem? and leave the roots, they couldnt do much damage. unless they affeccted the other roots. idk man im not experienced at all this is my first time. what do u think?


Well-Known Member
Cut it, but it might be better if you can to remove all the pods and as much growth as you can and keep it alive, but using a lot less nutes, because if it dies you risk roots rotting.......if you water just between the plants........they "might" be easier to separate, but they look healthy and you really don't want to push your a 64liter tub...$7.00 they'll grow well.....just a thought. :)