Can i run liquid nitrogen through ten 1000watt inline cooltubes to cool my 4x4x6ft tent?


Well-Known Member
can I? or would frozen air sucked out from an industrial freezer be a better option? 1000w get hot but when I put ten together it feels like an oven or a furnace of some variety and swim aint growing no cacti
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Well-Known Member
Your pretending you have 10 1000w lights in a 4x 4? well then yes we will pretend you can run liquid nitro in cool tubes


Well-Known Member
Your pretending you have 10 1000w lights in a 4x 4? well then yes we will pretend you can run liquid nitro in cool tubes
Turn a c02 burner upside down which will then make it super cold like c02 in a bottle so you don't have to run the freezer 24/7. Also put a couple holes in duct work to allow added c02 to help the plants. Poke enough holes so you hit about 10k ppm of c02


Well-Known Member
If you are planning 10 x 1000x you NEED parallel waste heat flow. If you run serial flow, after the second light your flow is not cool enough for the 3rd.

So, I don't care if it is water, air, Freon or Liquid Nitrogen. Parallel sources and parallel flows. :)


Each run will serve 2 lights only


Well-Known Member
When u run 10 1000watters in a 4x4 and pull out a light meter does the setting automatically switch to kelvin?


Well-Known Member
If your plants are not out at night stalking stray cats for protein, open the window more wide. Set up a crawl ladder for them against the wall.


Well-Known Member
can I? or would frozen air sucked out from an industrial freezer be a better option? 1000w get hot but when I put ten together it feels like an oven or a furnace of some variety and swim aint growing no cacti
That tiny compressor is not going to cool 10,000 watts. Dont waste your time! A major ass air conditioning system will probably only sustain temps at max setting.

air conditioned ventilated hoods will probably be your best bet. But how do you fit 10 1k in that small of a space? Is this serious?