can i smoke a bud off my plant before its finished


Well-Known Member
ive got 2 dieselryder on the go their only about 2 weeks away from harvest maby 3 but i looked through my scope this morning and found that their are loads of cloudy trichs on my plants so i wanna soke a "test bud" shall we say to see what its like, i wanna know how this will effect my plant and if theirs a good technique to quick dry a bud thanks for all the help in advance much appreciated :)


Well-Known Member
Clip a little nug off the bottom, something that won't matter anyway and stick it in a cfl or on top of a hot ballast for 10-20 minutes or whatever it takes to get dry enough. (They're both usually under 200f and won't burn off as much thc or make it taste as shitty as the microwave.)

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
taking buds now will slow down your finishing time , as your plant willl start repairing the injury , anyway its upto you , i wouldnt take one myself , but i got shit loads of buds so i dont NEED to .


Well-Known Member
thanks for advice man but me got no skunk anywhere and no cash for it and fukin desperate for a smoke man


Well-Known Member
Its not a bad idea at all, that way you can harvest it the way you like. It will probably take a few hours on top of the ballast, at least thats what Marc Emery says


Well-Known Member
i cut of a few buds of my cheese at 6 week into flower i got a a bit of a buzz but i left it till the 8th week and i just harvested it this morning
i put a top cola into a glass jar in water to try the water cure method
where u change the water every day for 7 days then dry out
i am a total newbie though
as it is mostly trial and error for me


Well-Known Member
thanks ppl i did take a bud yesterday dried it on the ballest wasnt the greatest smell in the world but it tasted and gave me the same kind of buzz when i buy weed for dealers lol