Can i smoke the colas after topping while 8 weeks of veg?


Well kick i felt that i should smoke it to end my curiosity. Yes i did get stoned but did you see how much i had to smoke to get that sensation. After i had smoked all of it, i did realize many things. The rest of the highs was not as good as the first one. It has been over a month since i first try medical marijuana (besides my teenage years). Yes if you are hard up and yes you can get that high but you got to smoke alot of it. I went back to the despensary after i ran out and i must admit what they got there can do the job in 2-3 hits of what almost the whole joint did for me from that unmatured colas/tops. I have just topped my plants for the last time before i throw them into flower and i am saving those unmatured colas/tops for a desperate situation. Not the best but can get you high.
Finally we have the results! Grow on dude.:joint: