Can I start a grow in a big pot & not a cup


Active Member
Ima Pott head so the the easier the better right.Every time i look around growing sites is always see people start there grow in cups.Why is that.Why can't you start your grow in a big pot.Is it because of the roots


Well-Known Member
You can start it in the biggest pot you'll think you'll need, usually a 5 gallon but you can go bigger if you want.

Most people start small because they plan on transplanting 3 times from start to finish, Transplanting gets new soil involved and gets the plant back into a growing spurt because the roots have new room to expand. That's about as simple as I can put.

Like I said, you can start in one big pot and never worry about changing pots during your whole grow and alot of people do it that way also.

Good Luck to you and what you decide !!!!


Active Member
Thanks for the help

Though i hear it is easy to over water your plants when you start them out in a big pot


Well-Known Member
Yea... i'll say it's prolly best to start with a big pot.. to avoid transplant and perhaps stress'n then plant...i started with a big pot my self...


Well-Known Member
From my past experience I know for a fact that the more you transplant a plant the more potent the weed is when it comes to harvesting time. When a plant goes into shock and revives it releases resin. I experimented and transplanted a plant 7 times. After the last time it revived I budded it and the even the shake leaves would get u stoned as any of the bud that was goin around back then. I dont know why but transtplanting is good for your plant as long as you dont screw the roots up.


Well-Known Member
It just causes the plant to have further growth spurts when you transplant with fresh soil and bigger pot. It sees all those new resources and takes off trying to explore the new area of a bigger pot and gorges itself on all the food from the soil.

I think transplanting is the way to go but there is more than one way to skin a cat and everyone has their own way of doing things.