Can I start growing outdoors now?


Well-Known Member
I live in India... Here, its winter, and the temp is like 26 degrees celcius... lol its hot right? :D

Anyways, it'll be cooler by the end of this month arnd Christmas, the temp will not be lower than 23 degrees or max 22 degrees... the lowest temp that can possibly be in the first few weeks of jan would not be lower than 19 degrees...

There is no Frost or whatsoever here, now, can i plant outdoors and also temme by when wold i get to harvest if i plant on jan 1st?


Well-Known Member
^^ Awsome, i can wait till feb man... im on my first indoor cfl growth bt its too risky for me as i live with my parents. I'll have some good clones till feb i think.... so, if i plant somewhere in feb, when will i get my harvest?


Well-Known Member
August... lol thats 6 months.. okay, i'm a real noob when it comes to outdoor growing, im off to do my research... okay, will the plants flower on its own? or do i have to do something for it to flower?.. like obstruct the light to only 12 hours?

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
I live in India... Here, its winter, and the temp is like 26 degrees celcius... lol its hot right? :D

Anyways, it'll be cooler by the end of this month arnd Christmas, the temp will not be lower than 23 degrees or max 22 degrees... the lowest temp that can possibly be in the first few weeks of jan would not be lower than 19 degrees...

There is no Frost or whatsoever here, now, can i plant outdoors and also temme by when wold i get to harvest if i plant on jan 1st?
I'm curious my friend. I use to spend time in that region, India, Sri Lanka,Katmandu. I actually lived in Kyhbur Pass for almost one year with a bunch of Afghanis, and I lived in the old section of Delhi too with Afghanis!
My question to you is, why grow 'weed' when hash is everywhere cheap, plus "datouro" is everywhere to...if you can handle it!


Well-Known Member
^^ I just want my own high quality weed man...i know i can always get world class hash here in India... But im not much of a hash smoker...I just want MY weed.. and oh, im 18 years old btw... that might answer ur question :P


Well-Known Member
Dude, actually, i get cheap ass weed here.... its just that i love getting stoned and gardening as, i mixed it all up.. and here i am growing marijuana :D