can i start taking cuttings for cloning...


Well-Known Member
um how big is nthe plant?pics would help.,.,but i personall wait til u have at least 7-10 nodes and many side sho0ts.,u dont want to start cloning when theres not much foliage on the plant.,.but others mite say difrent.,.,so chime in fellow riu'ers


Well-Known Member
yea all depends how developed your plant is 4 weeks differ from plant to plant but u should be good to go lets see pics


Well-Known Member
after 4 weeks of vegetative growth???
Question is too broad because there are too many variables unaccounted for.

What is your definition of 'vegetative growth?' 4 weeks from seed, or 4 weeks from seedling stage?

What are your lighting conditions?

Do you know the strain?

How tall is the plant?

What size container is the plant in currently?

What about foliage? A little, a lot?

Or, as previous posters have stated a photo would help things along nicely.

Good luck and good growing.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
I would say that if the plant is big enough for you to take normal sized cuttings off of it (however many you take) and there's still a plant of decent size left after you do so, you may certainly proceed.

How's that for ambiguity!


Well-Known Member
I'm a firm believer in waiting until plants are at least 6-8 weeks old from seed before taking clones. Cuttings from mature plants root better and can be put into flowering immediately after taking root. :weed:
its 6-7 weeks old from seed. they are about 13-16 inches tall in rockwool and 3.5 mesh pots in a deep water culture system.