Can I Still Flower A 6 Month Old Plant?

Hello all, I've had these 4 mother plants for about 6 months and I am about ready to get rid of them. I was thinking about cloning them first (to make clones into bonsai moms) and then just flipping my lights to 12/12. The only problem is that my two sativas are quite close to the ceiling and I'm not sure how much they will grow when I put them into flower. Any advice?


Well-Known Member
You can still flower them. As for the two sativas you better start tying them down and to the sides because they are most likely going to double in size.

As to taking a clone of them what have you been doing with them for four months if you weren't cloning them ? At least any cutting taking from the plant will be mature and you wont need much vegging time.


Well-Known Member
Make sure your plant is healthy before you take clones off of it. I would chop take like 10 gud clones off each one then flower them. 6 months old. hope you had a big enough pot
Evo8Emperor - I have been cloning them. Well, I actually have been cloning my best sativa. I had 6 that I started from bagseed (dro not swag) and 4 turned out female. I then cloned my best sativa and have 9 clones that are 3 weeks old in my aeroponic system and they are huge. lol

MrStickyScissors - They are in pots full of hydroton in a drip system so transplanting has never occurred.

Thanks for the input I think I will flower them as soon as I can get some clones taken.