can i still LST if my plant is in flower?


My plant has been flowering for about a week, can I still LST it or is it too late?? I'm running out of room.. oh, and is it too late to transplant them into a bigger pot?? Thanks for the help


It depends on the form of LST you are talking about. It's totally ok to tie them down a little to spread the plant out and allow light to get to the lower areas. I would definitely NOT pinch and bend anything. If you haven't already, you should lollipop them as well.


Well-Known Member
That's fine. You can tie the branches apart or down without stressing the plant. Lollipopping is used mostly in SOG grows where you remove the side branching and growing one big cola, looks like a lollipop. Removing the lower under growth that's not getting light to increase airflow is not really Lollipopping although some people call it that.

Good luck....


Well-Known Member
Yes you can. I use to do it all the time to my girls in flower. LST is not that invasive well not unless you accidentally break branches off lol.


Well-Known Member
You can top/tie down/pinch/bend branches during flower, the super-cropping technique actually works best when plants are flowering and the branches are stiff and rigid. Just be careful about topping you may lose potential bud sites.


Active Member
Flowering is actually when i start lst .After a week of 12/12 when the plant has nearly doubled in height i loosly tie down the main stems ( i top) to the side of the pot , what happens is the main stems stop growing up for a day ,and then start growing in a U shape as they try and grow back towards the light , while this has happened the lower branches have caught up in height and voila ,a little cannabis bush.. then it is simply a case of doing the same to any tops that are getting higher than the rest .Just don't do it if you feel your stem is a bit woody or might brake ,you will know the difference between a nice plyable stem and one that will brake anyway just by feel.


Active Member
You can top/tie down/pinch/bend branches during flower, Just be careful about topping you may lose potential bud sites.
This is why I DIDNT top. I started her on 12/12 from seed, when I wanted to top it looked like little bud sites already so i went with LST. Kinda glad i did to, the top I would/ve cut has a beautiful bud at top and some smaller (equally as beautiful) buds down the stem.

Here she is. 1 plant. The top on the left is what would've been cut, had I topped. The right is a branch from the BOTTOM that shot up and caught up to the ACTUAL top after LSTing.


Ok I did a dumb ass thing... in trying to bend the top of my plant down, it completely bent and creased... tried to tape it but have I ruined it?? Please reply asap.. thanks