Can i still make clones when im in the first week of bloom??? Rep+


Active Member
and ive got alot to make ( 300 +) so i wouldnt want to waste 5 hours and have the clones not root!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
They will root, no worries!! It takes a while to get them back into veg and you don't get a lot of growth durring that time but they will revert to veg. If you're making three hundred? Then yeah, you're probly gonna save a buttload so I'd go for it.


Active Member
They will root, no worries!! It takes a while to get them back into veg and you don't get a lot of growth durring that time but they will revert to veg. If you're making three hundred? Then yeah, you're probly gonna save a buttload so I'd go for it.
sweet thats great to know in my situation time is of the essence how long will it take them to root and if they have a hard time to revert are they gonna be any shittier then if i was to make clones when these girls were in veg??


Well-Known Member
Thats the optimum time just getting good pre flowers.Thats when I load up for the next grow.They will be reverted by the time they root wich should be about 7-8 days.If these girls have nugs on them then ya waited a little too late,Ya want preflowers,not Buds.It can take 30 days to get good vegative growth again if they are in full flower.


Well-Known Member
Check out my sig i got 20 clones took from flowering girls in there 6th or 7th week took 4 weeks to veg and they fill out a 12x6ft room easily !!


Well-Known Member
I'll just take your word for it but why flower such a small plant?In order to get max yield your gonna have to reveg em.I cant afford the time to wait on a plant to reveg,it sux.


Active Member
so i made 300 + babies will see what happens... and whoever is claiming they can make clones off of plants in bloom for 5 weeks is a complete moron ... thanks


Well-Known Member
This has been answered, my experience is that with indicas it's not as easy to revert back to veg. growth but it's done everyday, sativas are easier to revert back. Just leave the lights on at least 18 hours, it will take a couple weeks for the flowering to stop and veg. growth to start again. been there done that.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
NO problem. You might get some pretty weird growth while revegging if you wait until after the 3rd or 4th week, but other than that, like dude said about 4 weeks and it's on again.


Well-Known Member
i had something odd happen with clones that had shown sex. i had 20 plants and took clones from the 3 largest while they were in veg. they were the same genetics (super silver haze) and pretty uniform in size. over time the clones of one of the plants showed sex. all 6 of those clones turned out to be runts. they are about 1 foot tall, the clones from the other 2 plants are about 3 feet. basically they only stretched a few inches while the ones that were not showing sex stretched a lot!

i don't recall this happening before but i don't recall having clones that were showing sex before either. it makes me wonder if this happens to other genetics. i'm thinking it does, for some at least.

it would suck to have 300 runts! :)

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I've had that happen with clones too. I'll get a runt that just stops growing at about 12 in! 1 in about 100. No cause or explanation, I've yet to figure it out. These were all taken in veg too. Clones showing sex, you mean they were taken during the early flowering stage?


Active Member
yes it would suck to have 300 runts but based on these answers that i have a hard time believing i should be fine with making clones off of plants in 2nd week of bloom.... like i said lets see what happens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeahaw!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I've had that happen with clones too. I'll get a runt that just stops growing at about 12 in! 1 in about 100. No cause or explanation, I've yet to figure it out. These were all taken in veg too. Clones showing sex, you mean they were taken during the early flowering stage?
no, i don't take clones after i switch to 12/12! i tried revegging before. i won't be doing it again except in unusual circumstances. these clones were taken in veg. about a month after i took the clones, they showed they were female. they were clones of a clone that i already knew was female, as were the other plants. it's annoying.


Well-Known Member
revegging sucks and can make your veggin plants look like shit, i can relate to the post above mine,except my clones were taken at day 12 flowering, and still had the hardest time revegging, single leaflets all over the place, some didnt even get 7 leaflets until mid flowering...