Can I take a break!?!? Pics included


Well-Known Member
Hey I was wondering whether or not I could safely leave for LA for a few days....

My plants are of course, at a very delicate stage, but this is kind of a mandatory leave, not one I would like to take if it jeaporadizes the life of my babies...

So I flushed the 4 big plants and gave them MINOR foxfarm bloom nutes, 1 tablespoon less then I was supposed to(less then the last time I did too).. I also raised the lights, and I do have a timer and shit so I really dont think it will be to big of a problem.

ALso I am using t5 lamps which dont produce much heat so even if hte plants did grow up to them, I didnt think it would be THAT bad... Let me know what you guys think. I attached pics of all them, the same pics can be seen in my journal.


New Member
They should be fine for a few days. I would water them the day i left and I wouldnt be gone longer than three days.


Well-Known Member
wasnt planning on topping them, im a new grower, im not fully sure what advantages/disadvantages topping would do for me...

I have to be out of my place by june 1st, and im on my 14th day of flowering. had to bud them early due to that time constraint or i woulda bred big burthas


Well-Known Member
id like to point out that even after flushing and reducing the nutes to 1 table spoon i am still noticing a little burn in the plants.. i think foxfarm bloom is too strong :(


Well-Known Member
half strength at leaast to start, if their burning they're telling you its too much. dilute a bit more and if they continue to burn continue to dilute...they'll talk to you mannn, just read up on the material to learn bout their language.