can i take these down??


Well-Known Member
ooo this is a delicate situation. there all lil bananas still right? no burst balls? if so you can cut them off with a surgeons precision. cut them and have them fall into a paper bag. then take this bag and burn it out back.

ive also heard of people putting a plastic bag over the hermi branch and just cutting the whole branch off to avoid hassle

if there already burst you have problems. pollen, for lack of a better word is a bitch. it can travel miles and i heard it can seed your crops for years if its still in your growspace

if all your plants were female and your developing hermi traits, the most likely reason is stress from a light leak. get this straightened out as soon as your done clipping balls off or more will keep coming


Global Moderator
Staff member
i heard it can seed your crops for years if its still in your growspace
Pollen will keep for a few months in the refrigerator, a freezer will extend that to up to six months but gives the pollen a lower chance of viability. Degredation increases with time.


Well-Known Member
AAAWWWWW!!! that sucks man, your potency is going way down. your only about 2/3 to half way done with your grow, i dont know if id suggest such a premature cultivation. what is better seeded weed or immature buds? its a conundrum

after you do harvest make sure to clean the fuck out of your entire grow space(bathroom) with bleach and water


Active Member
no i have a growlab and yes after every run problems or not i do a good bleach cleaning on everything. so you are saying this is a 8 + week flower time on ship wreck?


Well-Known Member
i dont know anything about shipwreck but im sure its a sativa dom strain and needs a longer flowering time


Well-Known Member
that looks really nice, i dont think it would be a total loss to chop those down. cut your losses so to speak


Active Member
dude honestly i would chop it, but that's only because once my plants get pollinated, they really stop focusing on budding and just try so hard to make seeds seeds seeds. I'm sure your buds would continue thc production, i just don't know about them getting any bigger at all. I mean, the strain looks nice so if you want you can just grow it out and reap the benefits of having buds and seeds. At a minimum you could sell those seeds for a couple bucks a piece (the strain looks nice as tits). but it really is a catch 22. It looks good enough to smoke though, so harvesting wouldn't be a total loss


Active Member
I hope i never face this problem but I learned a lot about what to do if I ever did come across it. Good luck to you man. Chop em and Burn em


Well-Known Member
Personally I would just start chopping off the sacks, I mean if there isnt way too many of them, if only a couple have burst there shouldnt have been too much pollination, but be very careful when you cut them off not to spread more pollen. It takes a single pollen grain to each pistil to create one seed so its not quite as bad as one may think, although it can get out of control. The plants look great and you could chop now, but if you think you can get a handle on things by cutting away the sacks then by all means do so and just deal with the few seeds you may get, but if its too much of a hassle then just chop and dont worry about it, but just by time your plants should need a few more weeks, but thats a decision for you my friend. Good luck with everything, again the plants look great and since you got a hermie I would try and figure out if any stressers caused it or if it was just the strain, more than likely it was a light leak or something so figure out what went wrong before running again. Peace.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Get a spray bottle & put in room temp ph'd water & mist the shit out of the suspected banana sites in the morning (lights on) & then pluck them off. The water mist will neutralize the pollen & keep it from flying all over the place when you're working.


Active Member
yes i will see if i can pull this off and thanks for the info..i will post tonight and let you know if i was able to perform sergery or i have a flat liner...again thanks


Active Member
update :-( the problem was worse then i thought...but its ok arleady got some purple kush im going to do a BIG bleach cleaning and start up in the next two days i will post a new thread with the pics of the new ladies thanks everyone for the tips and help........good side it should make some good hashbongsmilie


Active Member
sell those seeds homie! buck a piece or two bucks a piece! its a quick way to get a hundred bucks or so. plus all my buddies love getting seeds from a strain like that. It beats spending $5 or $7 or $10 a seed off the internet! thats how i look at it, but my friends can't clone at all so that really helps that i can hook them up with seeds