I joined the CCIC.
Canadian Consortium for the Investigation of Cannibanoids.
I'm only on the "observer" level. But not all doctors are afraid.
I also am volunteering for the Liberal Party. They're the best chance to oust the conservatives in 2015.
Fingers crossed, things will change. It will be a slow change, but I believe things can only get better from here.
If enough people are loud about this. If enough people talk about it, and ask questions, and ask the people in power - WHY?
Why do you want to take away my medicine? Why do you think I'm a devient? Why do you think I just want to get high? Why can't you understand this is the only thing that has ever truly helped me?
I will be the voice, of those who are too afraid to speak. It's MY fucking voice, and I have been too quiet, for too long.
People will know that this saved my life. People will know, that MMJ can save the life of many others.
I will show them.
(fuck - do I sound crazy?)
Ah well, I am! haha. But I could NOT care any more about this. It's consuming my thoughts, all the time. It's very nice caring about something other than myself. I feel GREAT about it!