can I top an asymmetrical plant?


Active Member
my clones have the mature asymmetrical branch pattern. It doesnt seem like topping would have any affect because if I remove one "top" it is just replaced. Does anyone know what im talking about?


Active Member
You mean topping the main cola in the middle?

Second.... why do you want to do this?
to create more nodes....why else would you top ur plants? If you top a plant that is symmetrical the main cola is removed and the two branches become main colas. If the main cola only has one branch per node and you remove the main cola then that branch replaces it as the main.....right or wrong?


Well-Known Member
I have a few plants that have that pattern too. I just take the top flower right above the next node and pinch it and bend it over (super cropping). I do that because it let's the second stem think its the top and grow faster. After the sexond stem is the same height as the top one I pinch it again but one node lower, so that the third one will think its the top and grow faster... Seems to be doing ok... But I get that pattern like 1 out of every 5. So I just cut some extras I throw them out and keep the ones I like.