Can i trim off huge leafs?


Active Member
Greetings all,

I have 5 week old foot-talls in 5 gallon sq pots. The plants have these MASSIVE fan leaves...and they are at and near the tops of the plants. How many can I safely remove?

Appreciate the quick helpful responses,



Active Member
Greetings all,

I have 5 week old foot-talls in 5 gallon sq pots. The plants have these MASSIVE fan leaves...and they are at and near the tops of the plants. How many can I safely remove?

Appreciate the quick helpful responses,

If your plant is healthy don't cut more than maybe 5% of your fan leaves....

Fan leaves are the primary source of photosynthesis, so it isn't recommended to cut off a lot of them. Maybe take off a few if they are cutting off some of the light to the lower part of the plants. Some people say that you can safely cut away at 50% of your plant, but i wouldn't dare do that. Only cut off fan leaves that are blocking light or that are unhealthy looking. Your plants sound pretty small though so maybe don't cut off any if they are perfectly healthy.


Well-Known Member
To avoide stress cut off small bits at a time, ie cut half the leave one day, and the other have the next. Also dont remove much leaves, a couple is fine.


Well-Known Member
sugar leaves are important too these may be the big leaves you are describing do some reserch and see because these leaves are important to healthy development


Active Member
Thanks for the help peoples,

I've only removed two leaves at the most from my plants. I've bent the big sugar leaves down.
I've trimmed small pieces of leaves off. The one thing that these trims have in common is that they were blocking new tops. I see that I have to find a balance between trimming and allowing the plants to sustain themselves. Less is more it seems - according to you guys. I appreciate it.




Well-Known Member
DONT remove any leaves if you can...just bend them away from the buds for more light if you wish..those fan leaves are there for a reason...:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I'd tuck them or tie plant at 45 degree angle like the 1 plant in my av..then the middle growth gets light, and shoots up......I'm not a fan of cutting healthy leaves....IMO..


Well-Known Member
if you have huge fan leaves that means your plant is healthy. why in the world would you want to cut them off? these are the solar power facilities for your plant, the more you have the better. something like 50% of usable light passes through leaves so theyre not blocking nearly as much as you would think anyway. in flowering dont remove these even if theyre blocking a bud, way more photosynthesis occurs in the leaves than in the flowers.

i dont remove leaves unless they are mostly dead and can be pulled off with a gentle tug. if a gentle tug doesnt dislodge it the plant isnt done with it yet.