Can I trim these 2 leafs? (PICS)


Well-Known Member
I'm wondering if its ok the trim the 2 bottom leafs? Its 18 days old. Is a razor better than shears? Rep +++ for help!!??!kiss-ass



Hey 303:

I suggest that you cut the actual leaf in half first then in about a week cut it off at the stem of the leaf and the remainder of the leaf.

Use your shear to cut the actual leaf and the razor to cut the stem.

Hope that helps.

Peace and Blessings
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Well-Known Member
yes you can i cut a shit loada leafs off with no problems... how come you wanna cut them? peace....

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Well-Known Member
Maybe i'm confused, but why do you want to cut those beauties off? it's like solar energy, except instead of panels you have leaves. the more leaves you have the more energy it can produce so the faster it grows, why would you wana slow down that wonderful beauties growth? it looks amazing to me!
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Well-Known Member
Maybe i'm confused, but why do you want to cut those beauties off? it's like solar energy, except instead of panels you have leaves. the more leaves you have the more energy it can produce so the faster it grows, why would you wana slow down that wonderful beauties growth? it looks amazing to me!
Because 11 of her sisters are 2 weeks behind. I want to slow her down, and I'm going to have to veg her for 2 weeks longer than the rest.



Well-Known Member
Its ok, hash plant stays small... I should be fine, sounds like I should keep the 2 leafs? Maybe wait a week?