can i turn some good shwag into some hydro


Well-Known Member
Im growing a couple of plants in soil, and now that i have a hydroponic aquarium set up i want to know if there will be a difference between the soil based and hydroponic based??? Can someone of some kind of experience tell me whats up?


Active Member
Im growing a couple of plants in soil, and now that i have a hydroponic aquarium set up i want to know if there will be a difference between the soil based and hydroponic based??? Can someone of some kind of experience tell me whats up?[/

growing marijuana through hydro or soil isnt going to change the quality of the strain, hydro allows you to control nutrients and can produce a larger/faster yeild (when done correctly), soil works as a buffer for your nutrients..meaning soil is more forgiving than hydroponics.....i am growing hydroponically and i have had great luck, either way good luck, but to answer you gonna say no it wont change quality, possibly taste, but im no scientist, good luck:weed:


Well-Known Member
thanks for the heads up, i'll just order some seeds then. I was just curious to whether there was a differ.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
alot (not all) of the shit weed you buy is shit because of the manner in which its grown (not the genetics ) commercial growers throw up a few hundred plants and grow them out quickly harvest and move on to the next property , not caring about males etc , ive grown seeds from a really shitty bag of weed and ended up with the dankest bud ever . not saying this is allways the case , but i know this is what happens in the uk . growers rent out a property , turn it into a factory , harvest once or twice then fuck off to the next place and do the same , they dont even bother rooting out males or hermies .
what im trying to say is alot of people think just because the seeds they got came from some shitty bag they bought doesnt mean the plant that can be grown from those seeds will be the same quality , you could give a newb some really good seeds from a top quality line of genetics and that newb could grow some very poor plants that produced seeds , if thoise seeds where then grown correctly they would still produce good weed .


Well-Known Member
all weed strains have the ptential to be good, there is no crappy strains just babdly grown weed