Can I use a 150 watt mh bulb in this unit?


Active Member
Probably not. If the ballast can handle MH, usually they will tell you. Besides that, that ballast really is a piece of shit :S. The bulb that comes "already screwed in" (laughed my ass off that they did that...that can damage the bulb so easily) only puts out 16,000 lumens which really isn't too much for a HPS. The system will work decently, but if you shell out even another $100 you can get a system that will *work* properly.


i have something similar to this but doesn't say i can use mh. I'm putting together a veg room theres a guy selling one like that around my way thats 400 watts for 150 do you think i should grab that up its new and can run mh and hps.


Well-Known Member
You can run a mh bulb in a hps ballast but it will shorten the life of the bulb because the hps ballast has a igniter that the metal halide bulb does not require if you are handy there are few writeups on how to install a toggle switch in a hps ballast to make it run either bulb