Can i use a 400watt to start my sprouted seeds


Active Member
???they are ready for soil??i know that light is strong but can i use it..what lighting durations should i use???

im so dope

Active Member
Yea that light is fine, make sure you have it about a foot or more away from them, put your hand under to make sure its not to0 hot. 16 on 8 off. Search engine is your friend!!!


Well-Known Member
???they are ready for soil??i know that light is strong but can i use it..what lighting durations should i use???
yeah it will be fine...keep it at least 2' off ther top of the plants and start them on the outside perimiter of the light moving them closer every day until they are under the light....:joint:


Well-Known Member
I've done it before ... As previously stated, just don't have it too close to your seedlings ... Kind of common sense as you don't want it too close to mature plants, you definitely don't want it any closer to seedlings!!! hahaha. I'd recommend keeping it around 1 and a half to 2 foot away from them, definitely 2 foot if you don't have the best air circulation or ventilation.

Use a Metal Halide (MH) bulb and those babies will go crazy for your loving... Does that sound wrong, or is it just me? :D HPS will work fine too, but can't beat MH for vegging!

Oh and I'd recommend 20/4 lighting for veg - That's what I use, but 18/6 would be sweet too and even 24/0, although I'd recommend 18/6 or 20/4 over 24/0 too keep temps cooler and give your babies a rest!