can i use ethanol alcohol for making hash oil


Well-Known Member
thats the question and is it necessary to cook it to evapporate or can i just leave it till its dry


Active Member
Yes, but ethanol extracts more than just the Hash Oil, making the oil harsh.
The best extraction solvent is Butane.
If you cannot find out how to do it somewhere online, I'll explain if you want.


yes u can use ethonal make sure its like everclear or some strong shit. and you can just let it evaporate off in a well vented area


Well-Known Member
Yes, but ethanol extracts more than just the Hash Oil, making the oil harsh.
The best extraction solvent is Butane.
If you cannot find out how to do it somewhere online, I'll explain if you want.
i dont have the time for he butane method now im looking for something that as simple as possible,thanks

yes u can use ethonal make sure its like everclear or some strong shit. and you can just let it evaporate off in a well vented area
i got this recepie of the net.
and i was wondering can i do it whitout the cooking,so can i just rinse the weed and filter the solution and then just leave it to evaporate on its own


Well-Known Member
i dont have the time for he butane method now im looking for something that as simple as possible,thanks
All you need for the butane extraction is a bottle of butane and a piece of pvc and two cap. The butane extraction is 100X faster than the alcohol, the butane will evaporate and be ready to smoke in 20 minutes. Itll take a whole day with alcohol


Well-Known Member
Compressed CO2 gas works incredibly well, and it's the de-facto standard for oil extraction in the perfume industry.


Well-Known Member
basically, fill up a tube with weed, have one end with a cap and a hole drilled in it for the butane, the other end has a coffee filter and then a cap with a bunch of holes drilled in it. Put the butane in the hole on top and let it spray over the weed and out the coffee filter onto a glass plate or bowl. let the butane evaporate, and theres your oil. Make sure to get good butane, like colibra or vector, dont get the shit from the gas station. You have to go to a smoke shop.


Well-Known Member
i live in a poor country and its hard for me to find even basic stuff for my grow,can u tell me what to ask for when im searching for butane,whats the most important thing for the quality of it


Well-Known Member
Get either Vector or Colibra brand butane. You can get it on the net if you cant find it at a cigar shop. If you find another brand that you want to test you can spray it on glass and see if it leaves any residue.


Well-Known Member
best thing to make oil with is isoprophyl alcohol...take 3-5 gallons of it depending on quanity of weed or even shake...put weed in garbage container...add isoprophyl stir and let sit for 30 mins..longer you let it sit more oil you get..less time you let it sit better oil less you get..your choice..get rags rap them over the top of garbage container..tape them secure...tip container so liquid (alcohol) pours out...pour it into 5 gallon buckets...liquid should be a darkish green....after all liquid is extracted (make sure you did it threw rags so no leaf or bud gets in bucket)..burn left over bud in fire pit or somethin...get a Wok for cooking vegetables and such..put liquid in it cook on low until liquid has turned in solid oil state keep adding liquid till all is evaporated and scrap off excess this while its still warm so it will be easy to run off good luck


Well-Known Member
best thing to make oil with is isoprophyl alcohol...take 3-5 gallons of it depending on quanity of weed or even shake...put weed in garbage container...add isoprophyl stir and let sit for 30 mins..longer you let it sit more oil you get..less time you let it sit better oil less you get..your choice..get rags rap them over the top of garbage container..tape them secure...tip container so liquid (alcohol) pours out...pour it into 5 gallon buckets...liquid should be a darkish green....after all liquid is extracted (make sure you did it threw rags so no leaf or bud gets in bucket)..burn left over bud in fire pit or somethin...get a Wok for cooking vegetables and such..put liquid in it cook on low until liquid has turned in solid oil state keep adding liquid till all is evaporated and scrap off excess this while its still warm so it will be easy to run off good luck
isoprophyl is that the same as ethanol,is it better if i leave the leaves and buds in the freezer before doing this


Well-Known Member
is it not the same as ethanol....and no you dont have to keep it in the freezer before doing this...u can use shake with smaller buds and leaves..or if you want relli good oil use pure buds..any more questions....ask!


Well-Known Member
can anybody tell me how do u scrape this sticky shit of the glass bowl in witch i made it,it seems imposible