can i use h202 with hygrozyme and rock supercharge root tonic?


New Member
hygrozyme = enzyme

its made from fermenting chicken shit... basically.

enzymes, if you didn't know, are biological catalysts.

in non science speak, enzymes are kinda like food for microbes & assist in the breakdown/conversion of dead root material (detritus) to plant food.

^ great in soil, great in mediums that are reused (for example hydroton or mapito) , great in coco, etc.

ive run sterile rez for years. you understand h2o2 becomes inert in a day or two? so its sterilizes for a short time only.

at this moment, i am a huge fan of biological (active) rezzies & my results are fab.

taking mad cuts myself, i find innoculation of the cloning water (solution) a real good idea.

also so you know enzymes aren't needed at the cut stage.

what is good for the cloner to prevent the nasties is ph'd water with an innoculation of endo & bacto.

& no nutes in the cloner either.

tree king

Well-Known Member
Supercharge is an overall blend of different stimulants. It can be used in conjunction with h2o2 and hygrozyme since there is nothing living in it(Bacteria or Fungi). it has a high NPK at 0-10-12 so use at only 1ml per gal for clone machines. Best root stimulant i've ever used
Samsquanch seeds thanks for responding in the thread. i have heard so many people say the total opposite thing on this issue its not even funny. i called up advanced nutrients and asked them if nirvana and bud candy is compatible with h202 and they said yes. then i started a thread about it and i heard alot of different things. do people say not to use organics with h202 because it makes the res a mess which could cause problems or does it scientifically do something to the ingredients where it has no affect on the plants? thats the million dollar question ive been trying to find out for months. everyone always says dont use organics with h202 like its the bible

thanks for the tip about with aero-clone machines. theres an expert grower i know that says its the best root stimulater on the marker and puts root excelerator to shame. i havent used it yet but im gonna in the future