Can I use just "RO" water for my super soil?


Well-Known Member
The title says it all, I want to know if folks are using just PH'd RO water for their soil kids.

My super soil is a bit too hot for my sativa, and I want to flush it, but I am unsure if I should use my RO (8ppm Hannah) or my tap (300ppm Hannah) water.

Anyone out there uses RO for soil?


I swear a long time ago I read something about MJ liking RO water.
I didn't have any at the time, but I do have an RO machine thing for the fishtank at one of my houses -I don't go there often though :/
Go for it I say.


Well-Known Member
yea i use 'ro' water. if your soil has nutes in it, then yea, use reg water and dont add nutes.

also you can put your hot soil in a bucket whatever for a few months, and let it cook...

then use the hotter soil for the bottom 1/2 of a pot, and the top half of the bucket, use a less hot soil, mix it with potting soil or whatever


Well-Known Member
Are you talking about Vic's Super Soil? If so, it would be just fine. I have never had it too hot for anything. Iput clone in it all the time. Make sure it sits damp for a month before use.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the responses! I am using subcools super soil (or vicks, whichever person it originated from) with a base of pro-mix.

Should I add silica, or cal-mag to my 8ppm water, or just use plane water?